I can't believe how accommodating you all are! At one point I was looking into getting a BMW X5 (god forbid) and I posted a couple questions online. Very few responses. I admitted to being new to the BMW world and i think they didn't like talking to me. Wow. To me that's the difference between the two fan bases. Will never buy a BMW now on principal. No snottery here! I was only looking at the X5 because i thought i wanted an SUV and i'm not a big fan of the Q series.

Back to the RS6. I had a 2004 S4 that I LOVED! I had to sell it for financial reasons. Now that I can afford my car back i'm realizing that it would be WAY too small to take people out in. The A6 series is perfect and i really don't take clients that often, but i do drive all day every day.

A8 just seems a little bit big for me right now. The RS6 is so tempting. I have wanted one for years (come to think of it, ever since 2002.....).

I'm happy to roll up my sleeves and take a shot at changing the breaks. I haven't done much car work, but i'm very handy (would like to think so) with house work and willing to try.

I'm an agent in Greenwich, CT


so i'll definitely PM those of you in the area. Having this support group makes the possibility of buying a car like this (with potentially expensive and complex issues) that much less daunting.

Thanks again for the quick and thoughtful responses!