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Thread: A drunk guy hited my Audi

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  1. #1
    Registered User Artur Costa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    A drunk guy hited my Audi

    Well the picture speaks for it self...

    A guy on a Renault Megane overtook me and went back too early and hited me on the front... :mad: He was very drunk and signed as I didn´t called the police cus then his ensurence would not pay me!

    Argg !! Now I hate mégane ´s
    Artur Costa

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    British Isles

    Re: A drunk guy hited my Audi

    Originally posted by Artur Costa
    He was very drunk and signed as I didn´t called the police cus then his ensurence would not pay me!

    Sorry to hear that! It's very unfortunate.

    The above sentence stands out rather well....Is this Insurance called "Drunk Megane Driver's" insurance? He'll pay for the damage out of his pocket, is what I'm getting at and ecsape not being prisoned?, banned? or what ever for being drunk.

    Go get the Police, report the damage and as "He's signed as guilty" (of drink driving or the damage? Hopefully both) and get his drunk arse off the road's...The drunks are the biggest danger avaliable behind the wheel. I despise them. They are v. leathal to other citizens. :mad:

    You'll help the majority, by far, far, far! if you get him vetted by the police. Oh, and his insurance WILL pay for your damage, if he isn't insured then that's more against him and more in your favour. He'll have to pay it out of his pocket if that's the case.

    I hope it's resolved quickly.

  3. #3
    Registered User Artur Costa's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    Well Klint he signed gilty of hitting me and getting over the line...
    I talked to severall ppl in insurence companies and all sayd that If I had called the police the guy would be in jail but it would be difficult to get hem to pay me and it would take ages :vsad:

    I agree , drunk ppl are very , very dangerous...and most of the times they drive fast so they become a real danger to everyone on the road!

    Its sad that I can´t punish hem for driving drunk but you have to understand that I simply want me car fixed... he will not be the last drung driver on earth...

    So monday I will have a insurence car and mine will be fixed , so by wednesday everthing will be ok and I will forget it....

    I ll post a pic as soon as it is fixed
    Artur Costa

  4. #4
    Registered User krabu's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Ofcourse you should file a report to the police. Drunk drivers are the biggest threath in the traffic today and I really don't think he will stop driving drunk only beacuse he hit your car. Within a couple of weeks he will be back out on the road drunk and maybe then it's not a car that got hit but a person instead.

  5. #5
    Registered User Artur Costa's Avatar
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    Apr 2003
    Well I just piked up the car

    I know some guys in the dealer so they painted my dor and the rear bumper with the money that the ensurence payed them...
    It looks really nice!

    P.S. Yeah my digi cam is shi*
    Artur Costa

  6. #6
    Registered User Snow's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Stockholm, Sweden
    *off topic*

    Why did the pictures appear as red crosses, and then when I right clicked the symbol and chose "Show Picture" it appeared as nothing had happened? Strange, that's never happened to me.

    *on topic*

    My opinion does not differ from earlier post. Even if it takes a long time to get that money, it would be much nicer to know that a drunk driver is behind bars.
    Car looks like new, the day is (was) saved!

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