Quote Originally Posted by nene View Post
One issue weighing on my decision to let go or keep the Model S is the unknown of what other cars will be bringing to market within the next 12 months.
Top priority on my list is the Porsche Taycan (artist previously known as Mission E). The Audi eTron that was recently shown that is based on the same platform as the Porsche is also good looking.

I love the minimalistic approach of the Tesla. Feels so un-cluttered. I've grown to love it quite a lot. Also like it because it is a US company.
My fleet could make sure for 2 EVs if necessary.
The thought of what's coming from other manufacturers ALMOST prevented me from buying the Tesla, but in the end I decided that Tesla's head start in battery tech and charging infrastructure would have them out front for quite a while yet. I guess we'll see.