Cool, just make sure the shoes snap on and stay first set would click on either side, but not both together.

On the wastegate, pretty sure that Nubcake mentioned further back in my thread to tighten enough so you can't spin the flapper around easily and then 2 more turns on the nut. Opening is controlled by the N75, so it's not like the old school way of changing the tension on this to mess with the boost on non computer cars. The only reason really to test would be to rule out any issues with the wastegate actuators, not so much for opening "pressure" settings.

On the reverse turning, I always heard clockwise...not sure of possible damage, but I doubt it with a few turns. Main issue I can think of would be for setting timing...definitely needs to go in the right direction for proper cam timing when you get to that point. That said, someone may chime in with other things to think about with a reverse rotation...I didn't think that resting the wheels on the ground without the axles torqued would be an issue, but apparently it destroys the bearings immediately. Check Jolio's old thread and see some balls rolling around in the street on one of his early test drives...I have new bearings to install when the time comes on mine.

You source a trans yet?