Quote Originally Posted by DKP View Post
If I wasn't already taking such a financial beating on my refresh I'd Take your old tranny, send it to Level 10 have it redone and keep it for a rainy day.
Something said for having the trans ready to go...not like your last fiasco scrambling for parts from who knows where...
Trans and torque converter would be freebies from me, you just need to cover shipping. Even torque converters are getting expensive and rare...many shops don't even have the cores anymore and need yours in rebuildable condition or no dice.

Honestly, Tozo is still doing rebuilds on stock only cars...yours is stock, correct? He'd be my go-to for sure. I reached out to him and he's still willing to do them, but as I said, on a stock car only...and mine isn't stock anymore....so that ruled that out....