OK - SO much has happened in the past 3 days - i will keep this short and sweet.

Friday - corporate comes in, and dismisses the CEO that laid off his upper management team (including me).

They call us all in, and give us our jobs back. Could i be happier?? No. I feel like this is a dream.

- CAR UPDATE - good and bad news

My "buddy" at the Mercedes dealership bought my RS6 on Thursday. I lost $7,000 on the deal.. but i owed more than it was worth. I needed to unload that car.

When i got my job back - where was the first place i went? To buy my RS6 back. Long story short - they were going to charge me more than i sold it for to get it back.

So what did i do? I bought a new 2010 E63 AMG instead.
I love my RS6 to death.. but i am not willing to lose over $10,000 for it. Pics located below.

Good things happen if you stay positive. I don't want to sound mushy but it really did feel good to get support from you all on the RS6 board. Signing on and getting a positive comment from you guys was pretty awesome . I wanted to say thank you.






