
Looking very good! Thanks for the pictures of the progress. Did you end up using the slave clutch cylinder and stainless flex line from USP Motorsports? I ended up getting one based off your suggestion and I think it will make the routing a lot easier than the ridgid setup.

When you drilled the plug out, was there a gap behind the plug to allow you to tap all the way through? How much force did you have to apply to the bolt to get the plug loose? Also, if I tapped the as-received ID, would there be something for the bolt to land on to push the plug out, or did you need to drill it out a little more to be able to get a larger bolt in place?

Could you take a couple pictures of the car from the front and sides so we can get a better perspective on your workspace? The pictures make it look like you've got tons of space to work from, but I think you are doing this laying on your back, which is amazing!

Keep up the good work and stay safe!