Hello everyone,

Iam a huge Audi fan, but i have one thing that make me sad about audi. Audi is shareholder of lamborghini, and on there next supercar the R8 they cant place big HP engines like 500 or 600 HP , i wanna see a car from audi with this horsepowers like a high-performance supersportscar. But audi cant do this, cause they firering on lambo, the sales would go back on lambo-side. cause the R8 would have more HP than the gallardo, maybe better performance, and would be cheaper. A audi performance cant be better than a lambo perfomance, THAT SUCKS!!! What do you think, would audi probably place in future bigger engines like V8TT or V10īs with over 500 or 600hp in there sports-cars??? maybe yes, when the baby lambos (gallardo) go over this horsepower-range.

sorry for my bad english