My brakes are at the point where I need new pads and rotors for the summer. I want to make a change front and rear, a total solution to the marginal stock brakes that came with our cars for high speed use.

With the cost of that already pending, I thought it was a perfect time for the upgrade to Mov'It brakes front and rear.

I did the search on the forum; Nene had sourced his brakes from Per in Europe, as there was no US distributor in 2006.

My email reply from Per said that he is no longer allowed to sell to the States as there is a distributor here.

An internet search for Mov' It USA yields a website with only a telephone number, and a link to the German language website. I will try to make contact there, we will see about the results.

Does anyone here know of any other 4 wheel upgrades to our brakes? MTM and all the rest seem only to upgrade the front brakes. I know the brake bias is heavily on the fronts, but I still want the full upgrade if I am going to bother.