mine was 900218, production date July, 2003 registered as a 2004 and driven from 2006 onwards as until then it sat in the showroom. TC was replaced when the car was 86k miles. Same story for both my friends with RS6, production date also July 2003, TC went bad within the range of 70-80k miles, or at least that is when it was noticed as the cars here didn't come with the check engine light, so unless the symptoms are that obvious you can only tell using the vcds, and we all found out using vcds, otherwise they drove perfectly well.

another one we checked had 60k miles on it, same production date, and again if we wouldn't have plugged in the vagcom the owner had no idea that something was wrong with it and he was the GM of VW Middle East and the car has always been maintained by Audi Middle East, now that might say something about the quality of their technicians...