Quote Originally Posted by Innovator View Post
I have noticed that my transmission makes a hissing sound when the car is idling. Like a shhhhhhhhh sound . It never goes away.. Anybody else hear this? If you never noticed, please observe..

and installed yesterday. The tech reported the same sound by the pan. The tech installing the tranny called IPT and they think it may be that the pan was pushed in during shipping or when installing the tranny. They state the pan is very close to the filter and can cause this symptom. The new pan and new filter arrived this morning and the tech is currently installing. I should know if this corrected the issue this morning. I'll let you know.

The following was IPT's response in summary:
"we feel the issue is that the pan was pushed up when installing the transmission,the filter is very close to the bottom of the pan and if the pan is push on at all it can push up against the bottom of the filter…..installers need to be very careful when installing the transmission not to put anything under the pan">>