Am I the only one "dissappointed" with that engine for this car?

I mean, the engine is major cool for the RS 4, but for the Le Mans? Why will the first EVER Super Car from Audi debut with LESS power than My RS 6 "family car"? Why not AT LEAST give it that much power?

I just don't get it. It will only weight 200 or 300 LBS less than the RS 4 and have the same power. Yes, it will have better dynamics and put down better lap times. Yes it will look cooler. But it will ALSO sacrifice ALL the practicality of the RS 4. And to go mainstream? With THIS car? I guess I'm the only one, but to "celebrate" the "THREE PEAT" hat trick of Le Mans wins (with a car that BTW HAD a TT V8!!!!!) with a lower powered car than the RS 6 just doesn't appeal to me. Just my 2 pennies but I'd take the RS 4, save the ohh... $25K!!!! and get ALL the practicality too BOOT!

Ben (just me I guess?)