Well, guess I got my chance to drive the RS6 far later than most of you guys.

But anyways, after 4months of waiting for registration, the familys RS6 is now rolling

I had a chance to drive it both in traffic and in high speed on the A8 Highway in south of france. (There are lots of hills in that area since it's the end of the alpes, and the A8 goes around the hills so you have a higway with pretty sharp curves).

I was amazed that it was so different compared to the RS4, so much more grunt from lov revs, and so easy to lauch out from the highway pay-stops. (0-200km/h straights ) Ok, the easy to launch bit is the auto.

But then it feels like it's not that fast, but the speedo thinks different. The handling is also great, when I first drove the car slowly it feelt big and heavy and I was wondering how the RS6 could be so good around the track that ppl have proven over and over...
But as soon as you change from cruising to smashing the trottle and turning hard, it was like glued to the road. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde syndrome

I've driven from cannes to frejus so many times I pretty much know every curv and straight (and radar controll, which Montoya missed with his X5), and with a Maserati 3200GT you dont feel half as secure as the RS6, usually you go around 180-200 max before the turns, and then break, but with the RS6 I keept 190+ all the time, and that is; without the feeling of going even remotly close the the cars perfomance edges.
To not be too unfair to the 3200GT, it has its fron registration plate mounted in the way of the aerodynamics, making the ride "bumpy" in speeds over 160. But anyways, it doesnt stand a chance against the RS6.

On my way back home I tried some smaller roads in the hills, to give the shiftpaddles a shot, but I got stuck behind a large truck. (Physically impossible to pass since it takes 3/4 of the road.)

Up again on the A8, a Scaglietti is blocking my way in the fast lane. On the straight he got about 1.5 carlengs away frome me before the curves, and then he just couldent get way, he even had to let the RS6 pass since he didn't dare to push his ferrari harder by some reason.

Well, more to come when Im going to france next time

Btw. if there is any rs6 driver from sthlm around, I would love to get a chance to test my stage3 rs4 against your car in a highway race to see if there is a difference in speeds between 50km/h and 200.