Much appreciated! It was depressing at times, not necessarily on hangups of the build process, but delays on parts and just lack of time on my part...I'd plan for a week to have 3-4 hours to do some work, and then something would come up that I just couldn't avoid. For months, it was definitely the red headed step child locked up in the garage, out of site, out of mind.

For the DRC parts, I think I pitched all of mine as I really didn't see any need for the leftovers. I'm usually a hoarder on old parts, but I don't think that these made the cut. That said, I'm happy to poke around my garage attic space today when I pull the car out just to be sure that I didn't stuff a box of parts up there. I had leaks most likely from the little o-rings, but the lines were heavily cracked up front as well. I'll let you know what I do or don't dig up shortly!

Also, I didn't think that I'd be able to find anyone to actually service it...the dealer couldn't even align my car right, good luck with the DRC!