Quote Originally Posted by RS6Goals View Post
Surprise that someone that's in their "old age" is still talking about money the way you do. You make it sound like you revolve everything you do on money. Like all the purchase you do has to make you profit, shoot even your hobby has to make you profit. Here I was thinking the older you get the less you care about that. But hey whatever floats your boat as long as your enjoying what your doing then good for you.

Ill stick to my career income and keep things separated.
Yep, for some reason, my whole attitude changed when I hit 50...You suddenly have an epiphany, and sit down and see where you are financially...with "retirement" "right around the corner", you start spending less "foolishly" (for lack of a better term), and start thinking about how you can enjoy life and not spend all your money, because whatever you have, needs to last another 10, 15, 20 years? That is when you want your money to make you money...
So, projects like the RS6, despite how much we all love them,. and we do, we just want more bang for our buck, so to speak.

AND, being the internet, you don't know who is who, and you feel compelled to share your experiences, just in case that "someone" is just like you...AGAIN, I had the same vision as you, and when I moved forward with my manual swap, and had the engine out for the 3rd time or so, I started looking at what it would take to get to my goal (same as yours), I said screw it, I thought it would be too much work and time, and I found a different "project". I truly wish you good luck, as clearly it CAN be done. I don't have the patience anymore...