Quote Originally Posted by Del Stator View Post
Are these kits ready for ordering? If not, when?

By the way, I am just a few short hours south of you in Arcata, CA.
Have been out in orbit, sorry. Have my hands extremely full at the shop, on FB (several RS6 groups), and having some summer fun.

I've been driving the kit for awhile now. It just keeps getting better. Got some updated parts in, including sport and race pads. Even the street pads are great.

For those within range my thought is to offer heavily discounted installation. Pizza and beer after? The kit is pretty straight forward but want to ensure it's perfectly installed. I'd like to see these kits professionally installed, but of course that won't always happen. Have been approached by those interested in becoming a dealer both here and over seas.

Ideally would like to get at least 10 people on board for the first order. Single sales should still work however. Pricing is yet to be finalized, but will be extremely attractive.