Quote Originally Posted by lswing View Post
This is my third time using DAS. Mixed, but overall decent. I first looked for reviews a few years ago, so maybe things have gotten worse. I can tell you they didn't give a sh#t about my RS6 this time, although the GLK350 made it being a dirty but undamaged mess.

1st time - Shipped ACURA across country, recipient seemed happy, open carrier.

2nd time - Shipped RS6 covered to TX from OR, perfect. Shipped GLK350 open, damaged front bumper, claim filed and fixed, $250 out of my pocket.

3rd time (and probably last) - RS6 and GLK350 together on open trailer. Both had a bunch of dirt/debris tracked into them. We think someone hungout and ate lunch in the GLK since it smelled like pizza. Full interior detail needed on both cars, along with serious outside wash. RS6 damage as above, $250 more out of my pocket.

No more shipping for a long time I hope...although covered was perfect, it's just expensive.
DAS doesn't own any of their carriers. All carriers are private contractors that transport scheduled pick-ups based upon a posting system - similar if you were hunting for a job or looking for a dorm room on campus. These carriers are nothing more than a scheduling business that acts as a 'shell' to a network of private owners. You have found out the hard way that using the same carrier doesn't guarantee the same level of service. Glad you at least got things sorted out without it taking tooo long or having to involve a 3rd party.

I have used DAS twice for two of the rides and another pair of carriers for two others. For the 5th car I imported I actually flew all the way down to Houston, and drove the car all the way back to Calgary. It was 2/3 the price of transporting including all my airfare, gas, food, and accomodations. Just needed to lose myself to 3 days of solid driving which was just fine for me as I was importing a nice little 2 seater convertible during the late summer. The drive was nice all in all.