All of you with RS6s... answer me this...

Under light acceleration (slow - gain of 5mph per 10 seconds), at what RPMs/Speed does your car shift from 2nd to 3rd, and 3rd to 4th?

The reason I ask - I've noticed that my car simply will not shift from 2nd to 3rd at any less than 25 MPH, under any circumstances unless I override the computer with the upshift paddle...

The exact same thing happens from 3rd to 4th, which it won't shift to at less than 40 MPH.

I'm just curious of it's normal... there are a lot of 25 MPH and 35 MPH speed limits around, and driving 38 mph at 2,900 RPM is going to be a whole lot more inefficient than 39 mph at 1,900 RPM. I'm regularly overriding the computer to force a shift.

I suppose my question is... is this NORMAL behavior for an RS6 trans? If it is not normal, what might be causing this behavior? And before anyone asks - shifts are always fairly smooth, very consistent, and predictable. Shift behavior under harder acceleration and wide open throttle is as expected - it will hold the gears longer, in the case of WOT, to redline and shift smoothly to the next gear.

Kickdowns and upshifts are also smooth. Torque converter works fine - very fast to lock, and I did the 'test' that some forum memeber suggested - 5th gear, 50 MPH, floor it... and the RPMs went up by about 50 (yes, fifty), and then back down to where they should have been in the span of about 1 second... so I'm guessing it's working as designed..

Any pointers? Am I just being a car hypochondriac? Thanks...