Next time lets do a joint and meeting

Absolutely! As I stated from the start, I would love to see some M3s, M5s, E & S55s as well as Prosches, S4s (new or old), etc. Any performance car and anyone interested in the same!!!

Thanks so much for taking the initiative of putting this get together in motion. It was not very large showing, but I hope you realize that we did have a blast nonetheless.


It was my pleasure. I hope I can help out again. John (Speedracer, let's start planning the next one ...)

I'm always grateful for whoever shows up, even if it was only one other person. It's a half empty half full point-of-view. I think the comments and pics say it all.

As it was, everyone was great and, yes, it was a blast! My friend Mike was ecstatic about the whole day and the chance to drive the beast.
