Quote Originally Posted by Benman View Post
I don't know what that quite says about yourself since I am taller than you.

For riders, a lot seem to be small. At the pro level they are damn near midgets. Lance Armstrong, who seems tall and lanky compared to most of his competitors is only my height (5'10"). BTW, yes I know there are tall ones like Andy Schleck. Anyway...

LOL on the Walmart, I want something that will actually last me more than two or three weeks.

I was under the impression that the average male's height was 5' 7"....

The Walmart bike would be EXCELLENT training as it is made of chromoly steel and would also guarantee that no one would steal it... wait... you also live in Southern California... It will be gone in two seconds if not locked up...

Madone??!?!? steep price tag unless it is last years model...