Quote Originally Posted by KresoF1 View Post
EVO drive impression is not good at all. They gave it only 3 stars...
BUT, I would wait for tests in German and Italian magazines. Of course, the best solution is to try to test drive it for yourself.
I think it all depends on how much you value the ability to get the tail out. If the answer is a lot then the TT/RS will probably not appeal to you, as is the case with EVO.

Though they did say that Audi wouldn't allow the ESP system to be totally switched off at the track so maybe there is much more fun to be had once you have because that is the majority opinion of the S4, it take the disengage of the ESP to fully unlock the car's true magic.

Maybe that is why Plato rated the car so highly, he only drove it on the road (and in wet conditions) where it's probably best suited and probably a much better tool than the Cayman S in such situations.