Quote Originally Posted by Benman View Post
The funny thing is that Ben916 and 96a4 are saying no way... yet each had a V8 for their first car. You got to love irony.

RXBG & Z07, what was your first car?

For what it is worth, she is plenty happy with the 1.8T. We "adults" are leaning S4...


**EDIT** BTW, yes Javier, she has a little karting experience.
a 1987 honda civic dx coupe with 70 hp i shared with my sister. it was so light i was able to rock it out of a snowdrift once. i was 16. my next car was an accord- when i was in college- a 1987 accord btw- 92 hp. and i thought it was da bomb because it felt so much more powerful. had you told me i'd be driving a 225 hp car less than 10 yrs later and the a 425 hp car a few years after that i would have thought you were nuts. all of my cars have been manuals. and i loved my civic- even though it wasn't even mine, but a family car.