Well its seems my credability and honesty has been called into question from my very first post, which i find very childish i must say. I'm sorry if i have upset the 'gang' for speaking up for a banned member but i find it pretty short sighted to suddenly start throwing accusations around with zero proof at all, just circumstantial stuff from some wanna be Sherlock Holmes.

I wish you all well, but im simply not going to contribute to a forum where my credability has been called into question from post 1.

I welcome any IP address check from the moderators or any other check you do to find out your insinuation's are false and maybe we can all learn lessons.

Im pretty sorry i decided to post now. I have been reading another couple of Audi forums and may post photos of my R8 on these sites when it arrives. If any member of this forum happens to be a member on the other sites, feel free to copy my pictures on to this forum.

Thanks Ian

ps - Leadfoot - im not sure if you are being sarcastic or genuine, but i'd like to believe genuine - so thank you for your comments.