This was conducted on different occasions and the M3 was a German press car, one of the early ones. On the full road test conducted back in the UK the M3 only achieved a time of 12.0s dead, a time equalled at the 0-100-0 event at Burlington, of course they were different cars.

But steadily the times are get more realistic, first 10.9s, then 11.2s and now 11.5s, soon we will arrive at the magic number of 12s. But to use your own posts the Sport Auto car did 160km/h in 10.9s and the 200km/h in 16.8s and in another test a M3 did an almost identical time to 160km/h 11.0s, only 0.1s out yet lost another 0.7s in the next 40km/h.

My problem isn't the 100mph time as much as the 125mph time, to get a 1570kgs car with only 343hp to 125mph in 16.8s isn't possible, it would require a drop in weight or an increase in power. I believe it's the latter in some of the press cars.