Conversation Between vangelis and mimors6

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Mahmound. How are you? Hope that everything is OK and you didnt forget about me. I decided to open a company to wrap the i am doing some homework what should i do with my rs6..what colour combination...going for the papaya orange with carbon roof...Man i am going to need those big brakes so the car should look a killer car.Hehe

    Take care

  2. HI Mahmound, any news?
  3. Here it is man ,,

    Man, what about the wheels? any luck? :)
  4. Hi, can you send me the link of the company that wrap the to change colour? you have send me a site in germany a time ago but i dont remember the name...Thanks...Mike
  5. Hi Mahmound, i need your opinion on this one. After you have made the brake upgrade do you feel any change? I am in a little fight with ´´experts´´ here that are telling me that there cannot be such a diference in braking. Can you please describe me how it felt for you before and after the braking? These people are driving me crazy!!
  6. Hi Mahmound, how are you. wonna wish all the best in the next year. I wont to ask you if you can send mi some pics of the brake upgrade you made. I am on the way o doing it so wanted to know everything i can, fitment etc. Have you senn my vid in the snow:)

    Take care-....Mike
  7. Thanks a lot for the info. I am trying to find out everything i so i can choose the best..thinkinks about the MTM and ABT. YOu helped me a lot

    Take care and if you sell the beast let me know what you bought:-)

  8. Hi...wanted to ask you about the ABT upgrade you have on your rs6- What are the numbers in HP etc..and if you are happy with it...thinking of going into it

    Take care

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8