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View Full Version : Air Conditioner is kaput..

Hy Octane
March 24th, 2006, 17:39
Yep. Latest failure..
Yesterday, switched on the compressor and

nada.. dead.. kaput.. eeess baroken..

Straight into the shop.. They havent found out why yet.,.


Howd I get so lucky?

March 24th, 2006, 18:17
Sorry to hear that Paul....Hope it is a speedy repair.

March 24th, 2006, 20:09
Paul, your patience approaches SAINTHOOD, how do you do it? Honestly? I really want to know!

I am simply amazed that you haven't sold the Beast by now. Your love for the brand really shines and the dealer should be doing whatever you want by this point.


March 25th, 2006, 06:50
I can't believe the trouble you have had with your beast. I just had 35K service at 2 year anniversary of ownership, and the only problems I have encountered are a vacuum hose leak, picked up with a check engine light recently, and a blowout due to my own negligence of running my tires relatively under inflated. Are you sure there isn't a BMW badge on your car??

March 25th, 2006, 15:17
Ben....very true...can we honor Paul with Sainthood RS6.com style? He sure has earned it b/c of his history with VAG products. AOA better be taking care of you Paul!!!!

papadoc....I would not say that any make is immune to problems. I have had better luck with BMW (owned five, one lemon) than Audi (owned three, one lemon.) I am not defending BMW, nor am I putting Audi down. My S6 was the best car I have owned. I wish that we could combine the best from both in one car and then give it a great repair record (yeah I know....dream on.) Maybe some day we will be so lucky.

Hy Octane
March 25th, 2006, 18:42
Well, Its very simple actually.. I love this car and its only a car. It has no brain or feelings or malice. It just got a load of bad parts at the factory which we must go thru and replace.. Eventually, it will be perfect and last a long time like yours ..

I have recently spoken to a top exec at AoA who has assured me that they are committed to doing whatever it takes to get this car running the way it was supposed to when new.. They are aware that because of all the unnecesary parts that have been replaced and the 2 engne drops needed to try and fix the boost problem, the chances of things going wrong as a result of these un-needed repairs have increased alot. So, I have made a proposal to them and they have agreed. I will post more soon about this, but the gist here is that they are going to do whatever it takes to resolve this matter.
Every time I consider throwing in the towel I think about what else I would drive? I also think that they would have to fix this car if I lemoned it so why not fix it now?
The real issue here is that Audi relased a specialty item here in the USA and neglected to train our techs here adequately..They had a 2 week class in 2002 and now that people are having problems in 2006, they dont know what to do.. whereas in Germany, they see these cars all the time and know them better..Plus, there seems to be some kind of communications problem between the AoA and Audi de.. They are very leery of giving our US techs deep info about the inner workings of these cars for fear of exploitation. So, they tend to try and fix it over the phone wwithout telling our guys the whys and wherefores of what they are getting at..
Its all very frustrating and as I told this exec from AoA, it would serve them well to send over a few teams of experts from GMBH and have seminars here to revisit the RS6 as well as prepare for the RS4.. cuz if they start having issues with the RS4 and the new owners get a load of current repair methods here, forget unintended acceleration.. its gonna be cries of intended ripoff..
he thanked me for this insight and said it seems they hadnt forseen this.

March 25th, 2006, 18:59
Ready for Service times 6

March 25th, 2006, 20:32
What a nuisance, I'd be pretty pissed off.

Hope other RS6s don't start to fail like this outside of the warranty. :eek:

March 26th, 2006, 01:29
Originally posted by Hy Octane

The real issue here is that Audi relased a specialty item here in the USA and neglected to train our techs here adequately..They had a 2 week class in 2002 and now that people are having problems in 2006, they dont know what to do.. whereas in Germany, they see these cars all the time and know them better..

Plus, there seems to be some kind of communications problem between the AoA and Audi de.. They are very leery of giving our US techs deep info about the inner workings of these cars for fear of exploitation. So, they tend to try and fix it over the phone wwithout telling our guys the whys and wherefores of what they are getting at!

Wonder if VWofA will do any better for the Phaeton? Only 3000 in country - and 350 are W12s.:vgrumpy:

March 26th, 2006, 20:50
Speaking of poor communication, the reminder thread below is two years old now. At first I was going to say, gee, it's taking them a long time to correct this, but after two years and your new info, Hy, I suspect they are not even trying to correct it. Now I wonder if execs in Germany have a corporate culture issue, i.e. wanting to keep technical info/solutions to themselves.

I can't prove that, though, and I don't know why such an attitude might exist. Can someone else explain why poor communication has been going on so long & seems impervious to a permanent solution?


March 27th, 2006, 16:01
Originally posted by RobertV
Ben....very true...can we honor Paul with Sainthood RS6.com style?

Paul, you now have official SaintHood Status! (He shall now be called "St. Paul RS"! :D
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :thumb: Much Respect!

Originally posted by Hy Octane
Well, Its very simple actually.. I love this car...Every time I consider throwing in the towel I think about what else I would drive .
:bow: :cheers:

Originally posted by JAXRS6
I can't prove that, though, and I don't know why such an attitude might exist. Can someone else explain why poor communication has been going on so long & seems impervious to a permanent solution?
It would seem Audi of A refuses to learn from their mistakes? That, or they just have the proverbial ostrich syndrome.


March 27th, 2006, 17:40
Maybe it's not AOA, but bosses in Germany who don't want to share control or authority.

I dunno, I'm just guessing -- trying to find out why. Does anyone have an informed opinion?:vhmmm: Sometimes I hear grumblings from dealers or AOA about Audi AG, but it's rare -- and that's just one side of the story. Or two, I guess, but I wonder how Audi AG would respond.:argue:

Hy Octane
March 28th, 2006, 00:24
Problem fixed for now.. It was the ambient temp sensor that was reporting the temp as being 30 degrees below .. Apparrently, Audi decided that it would be necessary to design a program that disables the compressor when its that cold...........

(in best Sam Kinison Voice)



March 28th, 2006, 00:28
Originally posted by Hy Octane
Apparrently, Audi decided that it would be necessary to design a program that disables the compressor when its that cold...........

(in best Sam Kinison Voice)



Well, at least I'm glad its fixed for you.:thumb:


March 28th, 2006, 00:34
Excellent it was something 'simple'.

But I must say Living In Malone the last 7 years, I run my DEFROSTER at 30 below all the time and the A/C running with the DEFROSTER makes it work better.

Of course I jest, it does not get down to 30 below...just 29 LOL, we hit the limiter and can see well with our A/C running in winter! LOL.

By the way the other advantage of A/C running with Defrosters (besides dehumidifying the air) is that it does not relegate your A/C unit to just sit all winter and not work in the summer!

Good for you, may that be the ONLY sensor to go on your car! Or anyother RS6.
