View Full Version : Complete DRC system failure.. and more.. Contagious?

Hy Octane
March 3rd, 2006, 21:00
Yep. Dr A isnt the only one.. All 4 shock are leaking and the center unit has failed too.. Noticed the ride getting a little softer lately.. Apparently there is a bulletin about this and the whole system is to be replaced .. there is a complete kit for this from Audi.... Also, both control arms are shot ....need replacing (thought they had fixed this on the A6?).. plus Front pads and rotors.

They have done several of these so far and will have it ready monday.. I hope..

March 3rd, 2006, 22:53
Originally posted by Hy Octane
Apparently there is a bulletin about this and the whole system is to be replaced ..

Whoa, whoa, whoa... bulletin as in recall? That might be real bad news...


March 4th, 2006, 02:24
Actually think of it this way, if the "recall" occurs before your warrantee is up, they fix it for free and probably will have to add some extended coverage for the recall item, and more importantly those who get this "Kit" later will have the benefit those of us with the 'early repair' will not, which namely is seals that are re-enginered to withstand road salt!

I want to look more into this "KIT" and make sure I get that full KIT installed! So far just my rear shocks and control vavles were changed.

I suspect the KIT will be (for those who did not yet leak at all, or only a little) just a replacement kit for the seals. They did get new rear seals with the control valves for my car, but after doing that install the rear shocks were still no good.....run dry for 900 miles or more!


Hy Octane
March 4th, 2006, 03:13
I'm getting all 4 shocks and center valves replaced.. Way I hear it is that if you have a problem they will fix it, but if you dont, they will keep mum about it..I'm concerned that I need new control arms so soon. This was the problem that the A6's had with all the vibrating, and it was supposedly fixed near the end of the 6 series run..In fact, I was told that the RS6 used different ones altogether.. so why they are shot, mystery..

I'll say this.. If we are going to be expected to have to replace majpor expensive components every 20k, I might just have to rethink that lemon offer..we'll see..

March 4th, 2006, 07:01
Hey HyOctane,
Can you give us any more info on the DRC bulletin? I am curious because I had the same problem with my rear shocks leaking. Thanks.

March 4th, 2006, 07:26
Sorry to hear about your further troubles. Must be frustrating, to say the least. :vgrumpy:

Questions for those who have had DRC problems:

--At about what mileage did the problems first start?

--Did you notice the ride change before you saw the leak?

--Copy or reference for TSB or other bulletin?

--Is the problem basically just the seals or more?

I haven't had any issues, but then my RS6 has relatively low mileage -- all of it an absolute pleasure -- so perhaps in time this will be an issue to watch out for.:mech: I'm about to go in to my dealer for regular oil change/checkup/service and some new brake pads, so I'll ask them to take a close look underneath.

Thanks in advance.

March 4th, 2006, 19:47
They often do not read any bulletins and it takes a CUSTOMER to point out the new bulletin!


The ride changed before I could notice any evidence of a leak. Mine leaked at about 32000 miles, and about three weeks after I had my brakes changed!

Why did they not notice a problem with the rear seals then? They don't read the bulletins.

I asked about the FRONT seals and they lookd at me as though I was crazy! "Why? They are not leaking!" D'ooh if the salt ruined the rear seals are the front seals Majic Seals!?!?

Oh well.

Mine appears to be back to normal, although I remember the car being stiffer in the rear and I think it still moves to easily when I push down on the fenders.

At least the front is not bottoming out as much as it was just before the final repair. It always bottomed out on big bumps with the Snow Tires on because they are a bit bigger in diameter than the summer tires. Before they finally changed the rear shocks (when the system was totally empty of fluid) the fronts were bottoming out on every little bump.

Also they cleaned the radiator for the oil cooler and now the car ran at 175 degrees with an outside temp of 25. the car used to always be at about 250 degrees! So that was a good cleaning!

Onstar still green LOL.

I am going to make an appointment to have the front seals changed, out of warrantee if necessary.

Funny last time I spoke with AOA manager he did not mention any lease payment payback!


March 6th, 2006, 14:31
HyOctane and Aronis:

Yes,I too have experienced similar problems with my Yellow Beast and have reported same to a local dealership (PA). I have a scheduled appt and am anxious to hear what they have to say. I too also had a '01 A6 2.7T that from delivery was plagued with front-end and upper control problems so much so that the entire right front shock, disc, upper control arm were replaced prior to delivery.

I recently replaced stock wheels with a temporary set of 5-spoke 19" factory replicas and coincidentally noticed rubbing on right side and the car always "bottoming out" on very minor bumps and seams in the road. Also rattling and squeeking like sounds from the rear corners.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that you've both had some resolution and I will keep you informed as to my status once returned from the dealer.

March 6th, 2006, 15:29
I just spoke with my dealer who was unaware of this TSB. If I can provide more information, he'll look into it, but otherwise, there's not much he can/will do.

Please post the TSB number.



March 6th, 2006, 15:52
Originally posted by Aronis
They often do not read any bulletins and it takes a CUSTOMER to point out the new bulletin!


That is sickening Mike!


Hy Octane
March 6th, 2006, 17:54

Well, its not an official TSB, but rather a memo describing the list of parts that must be replaced when this service is performed..
Thats all I can get from them for now..

As far as the control arms, its the bushings that have cracked and worn and they just replace the whole thing..

For those of you going in for service soon, might be good to have them take a look at the steering system as a whole..

March 9th, 2006, 07:49
Originally posted by Hy Octane

Well, its not an official TSB, but rather a memo describing the list of parts that must be replaced when this service is performed..
Thats all I can get from them for now..

As far as the control arms, its the bushings that have cracked and worn and they just replace the whole thing..

For those of you going in for service soon, might be good to have them take a look at the steering system as a whole..
Sounds like good advice. Thank you.

Other than your car, which has been cursed, most of the drivers with leaky DRC seals seem to live in colder climes. Bushings and control arms are another story. Could it be salt or dry, cold weather that's drying out the seals? If so, maybe less of a problem in Sunbelt states.

Would be interested to know if that empirically makes any sense. If it does, though, that would be an odd type of problem to find on a German car. When I think leaky seals (of all types), I think British.

Just wondering. Anyway, I'll have the whole steering system checked as you recommend. Better to find a potential small problem sooner than a bigger one later, if at all possible.