View Full Version : Debadge or Not Debadge, That is the Question

February 24th, 2003, 19:38
I'm just curious how many of you are planning to debadge your RS6 once you get it (or if you already debadge). I am even considering putting an A6 badge on the trunk as a replacement for the RS6 badge. Or does everyone think this is not necessary since the masses cannot differentiate between an A6 and an RS6 anyway. I'd like to hear other people's thoughts and opinions on this.

February 24th, 2003, 20:34
your probably going to hear a lot of people tell you not to
debadge. there is a couple of reasons but mainly the people
who know what a RS6 is will still know what it is no matter
what the decklid says. and your right in that people who don't
know what a RS6 is still won't even with the badge (believe
it or not there are people who don't know what an M5 is nor
do they know the difference between that or regular 540i).

the only badges i would leave off are the ones from MTM
or the like if you decide to have mods done to your car:cheers:


February 24th, 2003, 21:59
I'd agree 100% with Benman.

People who know what's an RS6 will not need the badge to recognise her.

And people who don't know will be oblivious to a badge.
You could probably stick a Phaeton or an E55 logo as well, masses wouldn't have a clue.

Guess the real question is : what are you trying to achieve with debadgeing ?


February 24th, 2003, 23:20
That's a good question, Eric. I guess you saw right through to the subtext my post! ;-)

I have been feeling this juvenile desire to pick on other highline cars at little harmless stoplight "two lanes merge into one" drags that never reach more than 30 MPH. I think it stems from my desire to need to "even the score" as I have been victimized countless times in my BMW 540i/6, especially on wet pavement when my tires would spin endlessly (if I turned off the traction control) or my engine would bog down to a virtual stop (if I left the traction control turned on). At least in my own twisted mind, I would derive an odd sense of satisfaction if they stared at my decklid looking for clues only to see an A6 on the left and a 3.0 on the right. As I said earlier, it's truly juvenile and you guys pretty much talked me out of it. The point is well taken that an auto enthusiast would know what the car is whether I debadged or not by other visual clues. I know that I can spot an M5 over a 5-series a mile away, even if the M5 is debadged.

On a lesser level, I feel a little embarassed by the prospect of owning an $80K+ car. I don't want to "show off" and that's also one of my many reasons why I want to switch to Audi from BMW.

February 25th, 2003, 00:27
On a lesser level, I feel a little embarassed by the prospect of owning an $80K+ car. I don't want to "show off" and that's also one of my many reasons why I want to switch to Audi from BMW. [/B]

to some extent i share your feelings. i also don't feel it's others
concern how much i had to spend on a vehicle. and i also am not
buying a bmw for similar reasons (and not because of their
quality because they are fine automobiles).

but as far as being a bit immature participating in street light
drags, well that behavior is certainly understandable:hihi: :hihi:


February 25th, 2003, 06:36
No prob, in my own twisted mind, I see car-thiefs and drug-smugglers looking for high-speed AWD transports every where ;-)
Thus my underlying question.

OK, I know, it's only in Old France that we have that plague... Defective rims for the Brits, car-jackers for the Frogs ;-)


February 25th, 2003, 20:32
The Vikings get our share of car thefts as well.

S6, S4, RS4 etc. have been common as they are great against other vehicles (i.e. the Police). :vvangry:

February 26th, 2003, 20:25
Well when you speak of the wolf...

We saw one of of the most daring attacks against an armored bank transport yesterday.

At 7:00 am on the A6 highway (the most congested one driving into downtown Paris), the armored transport got blocked and stopped by 3 large trucks against the rail (like in a movie).

Then eight men in military outfit & bullet-proof jackets attacked the transport with military sub-machine guns (AK-47 and at least one French FAMAS), and then placed a plastic charge on the back door.
Unfortunately for them, the explosion didn't open the door fully and a military police patrol (Gendarmerie Nationale) was in the traffic 200 meters away.
So they were forced to run away in their exit vehicles (an Audi RS4 and a Mercedes ML AMG), later found completely burned in a forest nearby, while the armored transport managed to flee to a police station nearby.
The whole highway got blocked for most of the day (for police investigation and also due to the foam used by firefighters to extinguish the 3 trucks set on fire).
No one was injured but witnesses under shocked described the scene as extremely violent. Several thought it was a raid of French Special Forces attacking a group of terrorists...

Here's a drawing of the attack.



February 26th, 2003, 21:52

that is INSANE! definately not good to hear audi's being used
for those purposes:(


March 3rd, 2003, 07:26
In regards to the debadgeing question, i would almost like to do it(couldent even if i wanted to since its my dads car) because i would be driving it to school somtimes and i wouldn't want everyone knowing that i was driving such an expensive car. My friend who drove his m3 to school got it keyed by some jelous person who wanted one. This scares me a little since I would be pretty deep in with my dad if that ever happened to his car. Never would i be aloud to drive it again thats for sure and that would be a sad thing lol. Just thought id put in my two cents....
:incar: :race:

March 3rd, 2003, 15:35
[i] This scares me a little since I would be pretty deep in with my dad if that ever happened to his car. Never would i be aloud to drive it again thats for sure and that would be a sad thing lol. Just thought id put in my two cents....
:incar: :race: [/B]

indeed you would be in deep with your dad:(

sometimes that kind of crap from jealous kids is unavoidable if
your going to take it to school. you'll always have some idiot
who ruins it for everyone else:vsad2:


March 3rd, 2003, 23:47
"taipan No prob, in my own twisted mind, I see car-thiefs and drug-smugglers looking for high-speed AWD transports every where ;-) Thus my underlying question.

OK, I know, it's only in Old France that we have that plague... Defective rims for the Brits, car-jackers for the Frogs ;-) "

not only in frog land you have this problem ..... I would put A6 2.4 on, this is the least stolen Audi model east of Normandy. And Lo Jack - 2 of them.


March 8th, 2003, 17:52
I like debadged cars and all my recent cars were debadged, as is my current car. But putting A6 badge on RS6 is another kind of badge snobbery in my opinion, "Look at me, I'm so clever" type of thing. I wouldn't do it, but of course it's your car.

March 8th, 2003, 18:11
Just keep it original of debagde it (pers. taste), but don't place an A6-bagde on a RS6 car.

I prefer debadged by the way.