View Full Version : Want Bugatti Veyron? well, here you go

November 25th, 2005, 11:53
Veyron (http://www.mobile.de/SID1DY4QQxLQcLX9GL9PTxv9w-t-vaN%E3DexlCsAsCsK%F3P%F3R~BmSB11Iindex_cgi%81p-t-vAUCaCiCoMkMoPESeTUZikWkmrD~BCDA1G2006-09A3FBochumADD1900IRS4%FF%A0AvantE52000CCarG2006-09E44879C309E44000G2001-09J1132922233A2Iindex_cgiD1100CCarX-t-vctpLtt~BmPA1A1B20B61%81a-t-vCaMIMkMoSeSmThVb_X_Y_x_ysO~BSRA6D1100E50000D1900C rs6CPKWCRS6Mrs6%7C%FF%A5%7C%FF%A5%7C%FF%A5%7C%FF%A 5%7C%FF%A5HinPublicA2A0A0A0A0/cgi-bin/index_cgi.pl?_form=search&sr_make=4350&sr_model=veyron&sr_priceFrom=-2&sr_priceTo=-2&sr_category=1100&sr_powerFrom=-2&sr_powerTo=-2&sr_registrationDateFrom=-2&sr_registrationDateTo=-2&sr_mileageFrom=-2&sr_mileageTo=50000&sr_engineType=-2&sr_doorCount=-2&sr_color=-2&sr_country=-2&sr_zip=&sr_zipRadiusTo=-2&sr_damaged=0&sr_daysOldTo=-2&sr_sortOrder=0&doSearch.x=78&doSearch.y=2)

Anyway it might be good bussiness if you buy it for 1m euro and you sell it for 1.35m:deal:

November 25th, 2005, 18:59
In Holland the thing is going to cost 1.7 million euro's including taxes :MTM: that's a shit load of money for a car but i think it's worth it

November 27th, 2005, 13:13
Yes its defently worth the money, but the picuture you attached, how drives a 1 million euro car on sand?:P

November 27th, 2005, 13:57
The tested it at the black rock desert in america

November 27th, 2005, 17:45
The link aint working :(

November 27th, 2005, 19:22
Originally posted by Rosenrot
Yes its defently worth the money, but the picuture you attached, how drives a 1 million euro car on sand?:P

errr....you know what journalists are like. :hahahehe:

November 27th, 2005, 19:23
Here you are
http://www.autosalon-singen.de/Fahrzeuge_RecordView_Detail.cfm?fahrzeugID=08336_0 001_10_08&languageID=DE