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November 1st, 2005, 18:37
I know this has been discussed before. I'm looking for a very stealth way to install my V1. I don't want it to be seen from the outside in any way. Theft of these is a big problem here and I get sick of attaching and reattaching the unit. I have "Blinder" jammers installed as well and all legal here in NZ.

Do these guys still do the unit inside the rear view mirror? No mention of the RS6 on there website...they did do RS6 in the past..correct?


But what about the main unit. How can you conceal it and still get proper operation?


November 1st, 2005, 18:58
I got mine from www.beastpower.com , but i guess they don't sell it for RS6 anymore.
All these systems, like stealthone, concealed display, V1 mirrors...
you only conseal the display not the main unit itself.
Main units are usually mounted on sun visors or windshield.

November 1st, 2005, 19:20
Thanks. I spoke to Chris at aidesign.com and they will do it. But I still need to find a way to conceal the main unit whether it be in the headliner, or some kind of fake box....any ideas. Once the unit is set up I'll just run a mute button uner the cruise control stalk.

November 1st, 2005, 20:21
I don't know much about radar detectors -- never had one -- but logic suggests it must be exposed and not concealed in order to work. If the radar detector is concealed behind something that will block an incoming radar signal, that signal won't get detected -- right?

November 1st, 2005, 20:31
No, it's a bit like a GPS signal. Metal is the problem, signal can penetrate, fiberglass, wood, glass etc, not CF though (I think?)

November 1st, 2005, 22:16
some windshields have metal in the top dark strip and that significantly decreases the receiver performance. Heated windshield will do the same.

At the Ka band frequency (34 GHz) any obstacle will decrease the RX performance to some extend. GPS is approx. 1.5 GHz and and it is not as sensitive.


November 2nd, 2005, 16:19
Valetine One's website is excellent in explaining all of the pros and cons of hiding a unit.

I have used a V1 for 6 years (just got the newest model a few months ago - Mine was Stolen by a Canadian Trooper LOL).

Mounting it just under the rear view mirror is the best place from a functional standpoint.

As far as Theft is concerned, the mother &)P*&(&s have to actually see you carry it away from your car, or if the notice one there, they will break into your car looking for it!

V1 guys should design and anti theft model.....simple to do....mount some component deep in the car which talks to the V1 digitally to tell it to work in this car....if stolen will no longer work....


Theives suck.....we let them suck the fun out of life.........

November 2nd, 2005, 17:02
Exactly. Why can't the whole thimg be hardwired in, like Blinders or Anti-theft systems.

November 2nd, 2005, 17:56
I understand their desire to make one model and not make a remote model since the function of the radar detector is better the more visible it is.....

Thus it can see the radar sources better.

I think the antitheft issue gets out to the thieves quickly, as in antitheft radios which have vertually eliminated radio theft from cars.

Of course it would take a few years for word to get out that if you steel a V1 or any other radar detector, it will not work in another car without that second hidden piece which does not need to have anything to do with radar detection but rather a digital key.
