View Full Version : Why can't we federalize the Avant in the US?

October 11th, 2005, 19:35
I know it's been over discussed, but I can't figure out why the RS4 can be imported and federalized in the US yet the RS6 Avant cannot. After all, the required parts are available from Audi USA due to the saloon version we all have. Instrument gauges/dials, seats, headlights, etc. Why, I ask why? I need an Avant!

October 11th, 2005, 19:41
It can be I'm sure. You must pay a pretty penny though. I know that one of the tuners that federalized an RS4 paid pretty good dough for it to go through, and the process took a long time. It's also lawyer's fees too that make it almost prohibitive.

October 11th, 2005, 20:13
Nene, I think the last part is the most of the expenses ..... :doh:

October 12th, 2005, 05:20
What purpose do the lawyers serve? I spoke to an importer out of Florida who federalized an RS4 and there was never any mention of legal council. It was roughly a $13k process to container, bond, ship and federalize the car, but no legal fees were incurred.


October 13th, 2005, 19:56
The other big expense is the seats. In the C5 platform, Audi USA never offered the OEM Recaro's. Therefore, the Recaro's were never "crash tested" in the C5 via US DOT. Which is why the US RS6 owners all have the base sport seats with RS6 logo. Someone from the dealer told me this.

This is why so many of you are looking at importing the RS6 interior via Ebay.de and other sources in Euro.

It wasn't until the B6 S4 that the Recaro's were offered as a US DOT-approved seat.


October 14th, 2005, 04:34
That's what I mean... we could add the correct seats, lights, gauges, etc. because they are available from Audi USA.

November 14th, 2005, 03:37
It was Josh at Achtuning that brought in the RS4 and I think his costs were into th 100K range for the car. The car is now for sale by him for around 110K. This is the car: http://toasthost.com/achtuning/gallery/Achtuning-RS4

November 14th, 2005, 05:57
Yo JR, you gotta buy it!


November 14th, 2005, 14:34
Originally posted by highrustler
Yo JR, you gotta buy it!


Ha, yeah I had spoken to Josh about it as I would love to have an RS4. After talking to Josh I was thinking the same thing as you James, it cant be that tough to bring one here. But Josh's is pretty nice and it has a few additional 'features' that make it even nicer.

I have a friend who works in NYC and Ireland and he just bought a real RS4 over in Ireland and plans to bring it back here in about a year. I will ask him about the logistics.

There was a real one spotted in Ft Collins about a week ago. The guy in Aspen who owns 2 of them (yes 2!!) must have driven down. If you go over to the AW board you will be able to find the post in the Rocky Mountain forum.