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View Full Version : Challenge Le Mans...more Tt Wanted !!

February 15th, 2003, 00:05
Hi from France,

You know already MISS TTR (coming from our club in France : Clan TT)

This post is just for a 1st contact about a crazy Project we have....

THE IDEA To put on the Stands Line of the Le Mans Circuit, a maximum of TT(we thought 150), for a "mega photo"...

Le Mans :race:is a symboic place for Audi, and the place woulb be an Internationnal reference for our TT's...

We are allready 56 French TT on the list....

But now, I think, it would be great to associate European Clubs, to bring it to 400 TT..... (at the moment, I've informed :YOU, Belgics, Swiss, English, Germans, Italians, Spanish, Polish Clubs)

It takes a long time to organize this sort of challenge, and we think to the LE MANS CLASSIC 2004 :race:for it.

Our Club Audi is very active for this great "performance"(it was lended by Audi Tradition, for the last LE MANS CLASSIC 2002:race: the winner R8 LE MANS 2001:race:, for our Club Stand on the club parking on the Buggatti circuit where we were), and we could have the support and the help of great sponsors: we have very good contact with : MTM(creator of the bimoto : TT with 2 engines : 800 Cv), ABT(DTM championship cars team), and others to attrack to the project..

Until that time, we have to know if you would be interested in this CHALLENGE LE MANS :race: ... and be on the list as well...?

A contact forum has been created for this event :


A Swedish lounge bar is created to welcome you....
register on it and post as candidates then one of you will be your moderator for this forum as my contact, he will give me a aproximative number of TT we could have (it's for the sponsors, no matter to be precise)
we Shall inform you about the developement of this great Project... many informations are allready on the english lounge bar forum...

Hope to see you as a huge number for this CHALLENGE LE MANS :race:

You're welcome there

Philippe:bye: :race:

February 15th, 2003, 00:32
Phillipe, welcome to RS6.com! May your time here be productive ;)

Im sorry to say that I dont think youll get so much response on your thread, since france i simply to far away for alot of swedes! :(

But what the heck, it doesnt hurt trying! :) And good luck to you!

BR /Nicke

February 15th, 2003, 00:38
Originally posted by Nrn
Phillipe, welcome to RS6.com! May your time here be productive ;)

Im sorry to say that I dont think youll get so much response on your thread, since france i simply to far away for alot of swedes! :(

But what the heck, it doesnt hurt trying! :) And good luck to you!

BR /Nicke

hé,hé, as you said somewhere else :
"never say never"

Anyway, you know You're welcome...:race:
