View Full Version : RS6.com needs an update. Please tell me how!

August 8th, 2005, 19:53
I've been running RS6.com since September 2002.
We have about 600-1000 unique visitors each day and we're first on google if you search for RS6. That's not bad!

I think the forum is a nice place with a nice mixture of information, inteligence, guessing and good looking pictures.

However, I'm considering an upgrade @ 160 USD to get the latest software. (http://www.vbulletin.com/order/)

I don't know much about HTML or php etc. so I need to find the help from outside.

I thought finding a web expert and getting my ideas done was easy. But it is not, but I hopefully I'm getting there soon. I have an appoinment next week with a grapic designer and a friend who can help me code.
The target is to re-fresh the design and "merge" the main page, forum, gallery (and a new secret page) with links. I also want to focus more on new models like the RS4 and RS9.
I want the www.RS6.com main page to become like a blog, so it's easy to update. Today I can't do it, so it's not due to laziness.

RS6.com's economy at the moment is about 600 USD, that's the budget I have unless I want to open my own wallet. At the moment there is no income from banners etc. Bad cashflow... :hihi:

Special thanks to Benman, sturs6 and all the moderators for supporting me/us!

If anybody else wants to help I am happy to accept anything to account: erikb@rs6.com @ http://www.paypal.com

Do you know a company that could benefit from a banner here?
Tell them or me!

Or you can help me if you know about good looking websites. Please post them here and inspire me!

E-mail me with ideas! rs6com@gmail.com

That's all folks. Thanks! Take care and have fun!

:addict: :rs4addict :s4addict: :ttaddict:


August 8th, 2005, 22:12
Let's get the ball rolling. :thumb: :incar:

August 9th, 2005, 04:50

I have helped before and will help again, I will email you with what I can do. Also I will talk to my IT guy that runs and controls all my office computer/internet "stuff" and see what he has to say about your questions.


August 9th, 2005, 08:30
Yes Bajo. Thanks and sorry for not mentioning your name.
Also GregoryIndiany is in there!

Thanks! :asian:

August 9th, 2005, 15:16
Sorry I don't have any good suggestions. The http://www.bmwm5.com/ board has a nice home page as well as audiworld (at least back when I use to visit there).

Bajo's offer sounds good.:thumb:


August 9th, 2005, 16:21
Why don't you use phpBB? It's free and not that bad. And if you ever need help, just let me know. I'm in IT, so computers are no strangers to me. If you need someone to keep the main site up to date or something, I'll be happy to help.
You could maybe look at the Dutch audiforum (http://www.audiforum.nl/phpBB2/portal.php). They have what you might need (as example). The also keep "important" threads on the mainpage.

Helping you out is the least I could do, since I'm very happy with this forum.

Greetz Johan

August 10th, 2005, 14:03
vBulletin is the best go for it :thumb:


August 10th, 2005, 14:15
We will continue to use vbulletin, don't worry.
The guy who runs the server (same as bmwm5.com) can handle vbulletin and upgrades, so it's better not to change anything but to upgrade.

More inspiration please! :idea:

August 10th, 2005, 14:45
I just found a pretty cool template.

Do you like it? Check here! (http://www.templatehelp.com/aff/preview.php?aff=aapbe&skin=21&locale=en&currency=1&pr=yes&src=yes&nt=no&help=yes&sample=yes&faq=yes&nmg=yes&auth=yes&down=yes&chm=&hide_flash=0&search=&PHPSESSID=85352b3ed3785624b1b2e4b230bdb0c5&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.templateshop.be%2Fwebtemp lates.html&i=8987) (think RS6.com and cars when you see it)

August 10th, 2005, 16:55
Erik thats nothing wrong whit that but i hope that you are keep on whit vBulletin. I found this take a look

Powered by vBulletin Version 3.5.0 Release Candidate 2

Great site you can ask something ther if that is something you whant to now:rs6kiss:

August 10th, 2005, 22:28
Probably you have been here before I dont know but its worth a mention,
I like it and think it would be nice to have the forums marked by the appropiate model picture (model of car, not Petra Nemancova):dance:

I am waiting for my IT guy to come in as he isnt in the office except when I need him and will show him whatwe are talking about I know he will have ideas because he is a moderator on a bunch of websites. I figure if everyone puts their thoughts and ideas in we will make this the best damn forum out there!:rs6kiss:

PS. Still searching for an RS6, HAS to be blue and ebony any other options dont matter to me and of course price has to be right. Man am I easy to please ehhh.


August 11th, 2005, 05:14

Thanks for all your hard work, and for getting around all of northern Europe after hot Audis so we can live vicariously through your eyes (or lens!).

Now that I have my hi speed internet connection, I won't have to spend 2 hours on line at night to download the video clips.

August 11th, 2005, 07:23
Originally posted by gregoryindiana

Thanks for all your hard work, and for getting around all of northern Europe after hot Audis so we can live vicariously through your eyes (or lens!).

Thanks Gregory for your suppport via PayPal. Very appreciated! :asian:

August 11th, 2005, 14:03
I have another unknown contributor, Mr. "Bob" RF.
I'm sorry I can't connect you with any user name here, so if you like to step forward please do.

Thank you very much for the dollares! :bow: :thumb:


August 11th, 2005, 18:30
Originally posted by Bajors6
Probably you have been here before I dont know but its worth a mention,
I like it.

I figure if everyone puts their thoughts and ideas in we will make this the best damn forum out there!:rs6kiss:

PS. Still searching for an RS6...

Yeah, I like the look of that forum as well. Very similar to rs6.com.

I'd also like to see how good this forum can get, as it has only improved since my joining it and continues to get better and better!:thumb: :asian:

Bajo, glad to hear you'll soon be REjoining the RS 6 owners club.:hahahehe: :cheers:

Ben:addict: :rs6kiss:

August 11th, 2005, 18:39
Thanks Finnus for your donation. :asian:


August 11th, 2005, 20:00
Originally posted by Benman
... as it has only improved since my joining it and continues to get better and better!:thumb: :asian:

Don't you mean it has only improved as a result of your joining? :doh: You've got your own threads, man!

This is a great forum

August 11th, 2005, 21:59

Have you posted a Maserati v. RS 6 post yet? Would like to hear a comparo.

I think the Quattroporte is handsomest car on the road now, bar none.

August 11th, 2005, 22:24
Originally posted by iconcls

Have you posted a Maserati v. RS 6 post yet? Would like to hear a comparo.

I second that. I'm thinking the Maser is the better driver's car, but the RS 6 is the one with the more addictive POWER!:hahahehe:

Ben:addict: (and sorry to HELP the hijacker:blush: )

August 11th, 2005, 23:06
Right Here, Baby! (http://www.rs6.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=49727#post49727) :argue:

August 12th, 2005, 12:17
Thanks to RSFEVR as well. Very appreciated! :addict:

6speedonline.com is under my radar. I just wish I hade that number of companies sponsoring. :p But they should really think about getting a new server.
I've also been through a hundred or so of different forums to find new ideas. Many of them look very much the same and only a few are special.
On Monday I have a meeting and I hope things start rolling from there.
Thanks for backing me up! :applause:

August 12th, 2005, 21:49

Let see how many guys we can get out there to be a regular sponsor where it is feasible for everyone. Count me in I will be a sponsor for a workable fee. In my opinion it is well worth it this site has given me help, advice, support even AFTER I sold my RS6. Besides reading alot of the great guys post here is a blast,Benman, Nord you are one of them and really took your advice and warning when you told me about the GT2 about what an animal she can be. Therefore it is still a blast coming back here to read all the posts.
Lets see how many guys come up and are willing to be a sponsor and then lets work on a fee that will be OK for all.


August 13th, 2005, 01:00
Originally posted by Bajors6

Let see how many guys we can get out there to be a regular sponsor where it is feasible for everyone.

Lets see how many guys come up and are willing to be a sponsor and then lets work on a fee that will be OK for all.

This is a great idea. To take it one step further, maybe have a step system so that those of us who would like to contribute but can't afford to spend too much, could still contribute at a lower level. I saw it on the sixspeed.com.

Maybe have a:

I don't know, what do you guys think?


August 14th, 2005, 13:07
Maybe have a:

Small price(s) to pay for a forum of this caliber !


August 15th, 2005, 09:10
Originally posted by Bajors6
Let see how many guys we can get out there to be a regular sponsor where it is feasible for everyone. Count me in I will be a sponsor for a workable fee. In my opinion it is well worth it this site has given me help, advice, support even AFTER I sold my RS6.

Bajors6, yes please keep the GT2 on the road.
A friend of mine just bought one as well, and he said he had to wait a long time for the right car to surface. "8 out of 10 have been off-road, more or less" he said. Not sure if it's correct, but I think there's some truth in the statement.

Thanks for praise :blush: I will investigate your idea and see if we can do something similar to this. (http://www.rshankar.com/6speedpics/paypal/supporting2.htm)

August 15th, 2005, 18:01
Originally posted by Erik
Thanks for praise :blush: I will investigate your idea and see if we can do something similar to this. (http://www.rshankar.com/6speedpics/paypal/supporting2.htm)
Looks good. Maybe add a $10.00 option (call it the Bronze:D ) for some of those that want to help but can't swing the $25.00. It might add a few more to the club. :cheers:


August 15th, 2005, 21:34
I'm not a big budget owner, but I have benefitted greatly from this forum and will gladly pay $25 per year to maintain the right and privelege to participate.

August 16th, 2005, 07:17
I had a meeting yesterday with the designer and told him about my ideas.

After the weekend I will probably have a couple of examples to look at.
We'll see if I start a poll. When it comes to design democracy is such a dangerous thing :p

August 16th, 2005, 07:56
Special thanks to the man who do not even own an RS6 any more! I guess we might have to give you a special Caddy avatar or something? :king: :p

sturs6 - the man who gave us the Gallery (http://www.rs6.com/gallery/) - I am overwhelmed. Agains thanks a lot :asian: :asian: :asian:

August 16th, 2005, 16:48
When it comes to design democracy is such a dangerous thing


Just make the stipualtion that everyone's feedback will be appreciated, but you reserve the right to make the final decision.


August 17th, 2005, 12:32
Just make the stipualtion that everyone's feedback will be appreciated, but you reserve the right to make the final decision.

That is a MUST !!!!


Sent you a PM, send me the Paypal info or is it somewhere on the site that I am not seeing it ,


August 17th, 2005, 12:37
Originally posted by Bajors6
Sent you a PM, send me the Paypal info or is it somewhere on the site that I am not seeing it

Yes, it's in the first post. But I think you need to be registered to Paypal to make it work.

https://www.paypal.com/ The Account is erikb@rs6.com

I hope to have some ideas to show you after the weekend.
Hopefully we can all agree.


August 18th, 2005, 10:31
hi erik,

what about -> rs4.com if you'd be (or the other members on board are) intrested I'd buy it!!!

-> well ... ok, ... now it belongs to audi but it seems we could get it rather cheap!!



August 20th, 2005, 08:32
Thank you very much Bajors6! :asian:

I hope to see you with an RS6 again soon. :addict:

September 7th, 2005, 14:07
I had another meeting today.

Designer working on the new graphic design + 1 "database coder" hired :0:

September 7th, 2005, 16:06
Originally posted by Erik
I had another meeting today.

Thanks for the update. Was about to ask if anything new has happened, now we know.:thumb:


September 8th, 2005, 01:51
ERIK, You are Da Man, keep us posted !:rs6kiss: :D :rs6kiss: :D :rs6kiss: :D


September 9th, 2005, 08:16
I'm glad I got this project rolling. People are working on it.
But it will take some time, don't expect anything soon.

September 9th, 2005, 08:21
Thanks Julz RS4 for your support!

:rs4addict :asian:

September 9th, 2005, 21:30
Originally posted by Finnus

Just make the stipualtion that everyone's feedback will be appreciated, but you reserve the right to make the final decision.





I think the best way to do it is to show us no more than (2) options. Really you don't have to show us anything.....but if you do, more than (2) will just create too much divide.

Narrow them down and then maybe give us a looksee. :0:

September 20th, 2005, 11:11
Thanks a lot KiwiRS4 for your support!
