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View Full Version : One Less US RS6

July 12th, 2005, 19:44
Well, there are now only 999 (or one less from whatever number) RS6s in the US. A friend's neighbor left his car at one of the airport parking lots. Two attendants decided to take it out for a joy ride. Guess what? They smashed it into a tree. Nice surprise to greet your return from a business trip.

Supposedly the parking lot only wants to pay him $40,000 for the car, which I understand is totaled. I say let the insurance companies fight it out.

Fortunately, the owner has already purchased a replacement. A red one (with matching red rims) from Florida.

I'll try to post pictures in the next couple of days.



PS This decreased supply along with strong demand probably explains the high So. Cal resale prices posted by Ben in a separate post. LOL

July 12th, 2005, 22:28
I thought that crap only happened in the movies. I saw the red one advertized in Autoweek -- sweet ride!

No airport check for the replacement, I'll bet!:revs:

July 12th, 2005, 23:05
Originally posted by Finnus
Well, there are now only 999

PS This decreased supply along with strong demand probably explains the high So. Cal resale prices posted by Ben in a separate post. LOL

Sorry about your friends car. That is total :vgrumpy: !!!

And I also noticed the red w/ red rims RS 6 in Autoweek. That is one of our member's cars. What a small world!


July 13th, 2005, 02:02
aparently the shocks had been replaced on the red one to lower the ride ...

July 13th, 2005, 04:22
Sorry to hear that story......

Hard lesson to learn, park it and lock it.


July 13th, 2005, 15:23
Originally posted by Aronis
Sorry to hear that story......

Hard lesson to learn, park it and lock it.

Agreed, I've yet to ever use valet parking (Pop uses it ALL the time). I can park it myself, thank you.


July 14th, 2005, 00:51
Originally posted by Benman

I can park it myself, thank you.

on this side of the pond (I should say in certain areas to avoid s***load of complaints) valet parking means you lost the car for good.

As one of the famous travel agencies advertised:

"come to beatifull (Russia.Ukraine/Poland - you name it) to explore our wonderfull rivers, etc ... your car is already here .... :applause:

July 14th, 2005, 01:12
Originally posted by gjg
"come to beatifull (Russia.Ukraine/Poland - you name it) to explore our wonderfull rivers, etc ... your car is already here .... :applause:
:D :hihi: Heard that quote for the VERY first time while visiting you!:D Priceless!:hihi:


July 14th, 2005, 16:03
A friend of mine had a Valet park his car at the Park Plaza in Boston (if I recall the hotel, some high end one anyway) for a senior social from Engineering School days, and the Valet and his buddy took it for a joy ride! Hit a Curb, bent the rims and the CARS FRAME, etc....

Car totaled.

Car lot paid NOTHING.

Noone got fired...

Insurance Co - said TOUGH...

No more car....

1 week old 86 1/2 Toyota Supra..........


I will resist the temptation to make an unpopular and polically incorrect statement about Valet Parkers.


July 14th, 2005, 16:30
Thanks for these stories. If I can ever get my printer working, I'll make a copy and show it to the next valet who insists that only he can park my RS6! :thumb:

Hy Octane
July 14th, 2005, 17:25
Some years ago, a friend of mine had just purchased his dream car.. a 911s.. We were invited to a posh affair in Beverly Hills one night.. We pulled up in front of the mansion there and a young fellow in a red jacket and black bowtie opens up the doors and hands my friend a valet parking ticket..

A few hrs later we go to leave and as we get outside he asks where the valet guy is.. the girl throwing the party says " we didnt have a valet service tonight"..

Scratch one new 911s..

He cried for months..

July 17th, 2005, 08:10
May this beast rest in peace, and its occupants be safe as she gave her life for them.


July 18th, 2005, 06:37
ouch!!! where did you get the pic from Nene? I maybe interested in a driveline...any idea who has the car now?

July 19th, 2005, 01:51

I took the picture - its the subject of this post. Nelson was gracious enough to post it for me.

The car is at Langan Audi, Latham, NY (518) 783-5003. Ask for Patrick and tell him I (Bob F.) sent you.

Come to find out, the car has not been totalled, although the engine did shift, so I don't know what they're going to do with it or who would want it after what its been through. Patrick will be able to tell you what's going on.

