View Full Version : M heartache

M3 owner
December 10th, 2004, 07:14
After having my M3 badge brutally removed/stolen from the back of my car,FOR THE 3RD TIME,I decided 2 repair the rear boot & not bother replacing the badge.What would someone gain by stealing a badge & damaging the boot in the process ? What are they going 2 do w/ the badge ?
Yesterday I parked in the carpark of a shopping mall,admiring my car as I walked away from it,saying 2 myself, "At least I don't have 2 worry about some jerk badging my car anymore." Upon returning 2 my car I found that some jealous SOB had keyed both sides of the car,THE FULL LENGTH OF THE CAR. I was so upset I could have killed someone.
I would give all my possessions in exchange 4 the name & address of the jealous bastard that defaced my car.
Have u guys had any similar problems ?
I thought about not parking my car in public anymore,but that's not very practical. I thought about buying a second car & just driving the M3 for the experience but that's pointless. There's a RS6 sitting in a Audi dealership near my mates house, it's been sitting there for months & I am seriously considering trading the M3 for that discreet beast.
Do u think that I am kidding myself by thinking that the RS6 (minus the badges) will pass 4 just another Audi ? There doesn't seem 2 b that same jealousy towards Audi's as there is for Beamers & Mercs.
I am at my wits end.

December 10th, 2004, 13:05
I'm very sorry to hear that. I would be pissed as hell to. It's a very beautifull car and some people do get jealous, i know(not from experience, but i've seen it before).
There's a thread about the stealth factor of the rs6.
I personally think that it's more stealthy(?) than the m3, but still some people (read car fanatics) will recognise it.
But you're still lucky, because it can be worse.

Good luck in the future, hope you can enjoy whatever car you have without having to worry about those vandals.

Greetz Johan

December 10th, 2004, 19:13
Originally posted by M3 owner
After having my M3 badge brutally removed/stolen from the back of my car,FOR THE 3RD TIME,I decided 2 repair the rear boot & not bother replacing the badge.What would someone gain by stealing a badge & damaging the boot in the process ? What are they going 2 do w/ the badge ?
Yesterday I parked in the carpark of a shopping mall,admiring my car as I walked away from it,saying 2 myself, "At least I don't have 2 worry about some jerk badging my car anymore." Upon returning 2 my car I found that some jealous SOB had keyed both sides of the car,THE FULL LENGTH OF THE CAR. I was so upset I could have killed someone.
I would give all my possessions in exchange 4 the name & address of the jealous bastard that defaced my car.
Have u guys had any similar problems ?
I thought about not parking my car in public anymore,but that's not very practical. I thought about buying a second car & just driving the M3 for the experience but that's pointless. There's a RS6 sitting in a Audi dealership near my mates house, it's been sitting there for months & I am seriously considering trading the M3 for that discreet beast.
Do u think that I am kidding myself by thinking that the RS6 (minus the badges) will pass 4 just another Audi ? There doesn't seem 2 b that same jealousy towards Audi's as there is for Beamers & Mercs.
I am at my wits end.

Have u tried using a magnet on the badge? The dumbfu... will steal your badge but not ruin your car :mech:

December 10th, 2004, 21:33
Or even better, you can take it off when you leave the car ;)

Greetz Johan