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View Full Version : My visit to Mexico... :)

June 16th, 2004, 17:41
A few years back a friend and I went to Mexico, Playa del Carmen (opposite the island of Cozumel).

I guess the rental car company forgot us by now, so it's safe to publish these pics.

The "roads" were quite bad, to say the least. To get to the 'playa'
you had to pass "roads" like these.
Luckily the interior of the car was all made of plastic and with the exception of the exhaust (this Jeep was quite loud without it...) the car worked perfectly. It is probalby the slowest car I've ever driven, and fuel consumption was enourmous.




This guy offered to clean our Jeep for about 2 USD, an offer we couldn't resist. But his working morale dropped significantly when we weren't around. :)


So much for american four wheel drive.


A norwegian fish in Mexican water.


June 16th, 2004, 19:26
hahaha, excellent Trip, Erik. Looks like great fun. ah, Mexico :D

A norwegian fish in Mexican water.


Looks more like the little mermaid to me, anyone else see the same? ;)
