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View Full Version : Would you let your spouse drive your RS6?

May 6th, 2004, 13:06
Hi everyone,

Just curious, I was reading Stuart's thread on his rims and saw his son (?) in the picture too.

Since many of you folks are family guys, your bound to have a spouse, so, do you let your spouse drive your second love? are they enthusiastic about the three way relationshp as you are?


May 6th, 2004, 13:33
To borrow a line from an old Grateful Dead tune, "She takes the wheel when I'm seeing double...".

The fact that my wife becomes "designated driver" on the way home from social functions, and is available to relieve me on long trips is important to us. In fact, it's a good reason why we went with the RS6 after several years with an A6. She can't drive a stick, and the RS6 was the perfect blend of performance with an automatic transmission.

May 6th, 2004, 13:35
There are some very lucky folks out there that spend time with like minded mates. I am not one of them, but my wife is very supportive of my car addiction. She knows that it is my true passion and that a set of twisties puts a huge grin on my face.
I had a 99 540iT and my wife, then girlfriend, had an Isuzu Rodeo. She took my car one day and came back rubbing her head. She explained that she touched the brake pedal, her head hit the steering wheel and then she hit the gas, slamming her head into the headrest. As you all know, a Rodeo has neither brakes nor acceleration:doh:
The wife was getting the mail form our mailbox with me in my 330Xi (it had 450 miles on it) and she forgot to close the mailbox door before she drove off--------OUCH-------nice scar down the driver's door.
I think we all have such stories to tell, but in the end it is just a car.....YEAH RIGHT......just keep deluding yourself Rob......:thumb:

May 6th, 2004, 14:46
My wife drove my car one time. She got back home and said I am never driving that thing again. I had to ask why to which she replied to accelerates to hard and brakes to fast. Those MB drivers you just can't please 'em. :D The baby sitter drove it two nights ago and amazingly enough I was not a bit neverous about it but if you had seen her you would let her drive too. :hihi:
I am more nervous about some dude at a valet driving it.
I have yet to let my son drive it for obvious reasons.
Here is Why!!! (http://www.rs6.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3998&perpage=17&pagenumber=2)

May 6th, 2004, 15:02
My wife has driven my RS a couple of times, her reaction was
" I have to be alone to fully enjoy it" which scared me a bit,:confused:
She really is a careful driver and of course I dont have any problems with her driving it, I trust her with driving my children so of course she can drive the beast.
BTW she has not driven it by herself yet and when she does she will finally understand my passion.


May 6th, 2004, 15:02
My wife does not care to drive my RS6, but she happens to have an S6 Avant herself. She has driven it a few times, usually when it is blocking the other cars in the garage. In my opinion, letting my wife drive my RS6 is no big deal. She is my spouse, and I trust her with anything. If it was a manual, that might be another issue since she cannot drive one, and driving a new car with an unusual trans is not a good idea. Her comments were that is drives somewhat like her car but the steering is heavier, and the car is a bit stiffer on rough roads. This is coming from a person who did not even know what the S6 was except that it is a wagon, and it has quattro, (she wanted an Audi wagon since she had an A4 prior). Her first comments on the S6 avant was, wow that car is kinda fast, and why do all the guys seem to come up to my car?


May 6th, 2004, 15:10
This is what I call my added protection system when I am not home to watch over the beast. LOL

May 6th, 2004, 17:07
In my case the BEAST is her everyday car!! yes you heard me right EVERYDAY CAR!!!:addict: i just get to play with it at track events.

03 beast
04 gallardo
03 h2

May 6th, 2004, 17:13

I have let her drive it.
I will let her drive it.

I really like the beast alot, and anything that happens to it, I'm sure can be fixed. As long as the real babe is safe, that is all I care!

May 6th, 2004, 17:32
Originally posted by ricky71370
i just get to play with it at track events.
I'm willing to bet that the Gallardo is a reasonable consolation prize though... :D

May 6th, 2004, 17:36
My wife hasn't driven any of my cars, ever. Years ago I had a dire company car (old, battered, smoky Ford Escort) that she drove and hated, but then it did have some bad habits like the gear linkage coming adrift leaving you stuck in neutral, usually right during rush hour...

She never expressed an interest in driving the A4, A6 or S8 - all too big and too powerful she says, but since she got on well with a 225bhp TT, she says she'd drive "any Audi", including the beast.

Being a sensible type, she wants me to find a deserted airstrip for something for her first go.

May 6th, 2004, 17:46
Wife doesn't want to drive with them, she's scared :race:

May 6th, 2004, 18:00
My wife keeps saying she wants to drive it, whenever we go somewhere I'll offer her the keys, and she always declines. She's getting a Cayenne Turbo in December (I mean I'm getting a Cayenne Turbo for her) when her lease is up.

After 11 years, I know she's getting used to my driving - She'll grab onto the door handle as we approach corners - but she's also learned a bit as she'll make comments about lines after going through the corners.

May 6th, 2004, 18:14
Sean...RS6 Avant in the USA! Wow!

Please post pics in another thread! And tell us how!

May 6th, 2004, 18:21
Boat + ticket to US + alot of $'s :vgrumpy:

May 6th, 2004, 18:33
Originally posted by Sean
Boat + ticket to US + alot of $'s :vgrumpy:
You brought it back on your own boat?

May 6th, 2004, 19:37
Hey Sean

Why 2 of them?

But nice setup indeed :addict:

May 6th, 2004, 20:21
Cause I love 'm. :rs6kiss:
(The Avant was gift from my dad tho.)

May 6th, 2004, 21:06
What does Lake Silver look like?

May 6th, 2004, 21:07
Sean I think it's safest if you start a new thread with pics and a story on the RS6s.

If you have pics I can host them, pls. mail to:
erikb(nospam)@rs6.com ---> remove the (nospam)

May 6th, 2004, 22:02
Hey Sean

Would u please ask your dad if he would adopt me???


May 6th, 2004, 22:42
WHOLLLIE cow manure,

Not one but 2 RS 6 's, and an impossible to get here in the states avant, man you are one lucky dude.


May 7th, 2004, 03:30
now the gallardo is another story, she has only driven it once and it happen to be on the island we live on, which only has 2 miles of pavement.

03 beast
04 gallardo
03 h2

May 7th, 2004, 06:15
Originally posted by Bajors6
WHOLLLIE cow manure,

Not one but 2 RS 6 's, and an impossible to get here in the states avant, man you are one lucky dude.


Well, spend 6750$ more on a boattrip and you can have one also.

May 7th, 2004, 13:58

Where did you get it federalized for the states in order to be able to get it licensed. Do you have any pics of them two, I would love to see them as I am sure everyone else here would as well. Alot of guys on this board would have rather have had an avant than a sedan, as for me I dont like the avant thing to much. Must be nice to know you are the only one across the pond to have a avant.


May 7th, 2004, 17:36
Wife drives my car when ever she wants...she is a very good driver and I trust her compleatly. Hell I married her:D

She does track events in our S8 and has taken the RS6 out as well.:incar:

May 7th, 2004, 17:44
I hesitated to post, wondering if the subject at hand was still the wife driving the RS6.

Well for me it is simple, she does not want to drive the car, as she is scared of damaging it and piss me off for the rest of our lifes :)

In any case I am a terrible passenger. I just hate to be driven, so even with her car, if I'm in it, I do the driving.

My son has driven the RS6 once or twice and since he wasn't totally flabbergasted, I won't let him drive again :p

Well that's because I was next to him and he did not dare floor it....

May 7th, 2004, 18:19
I must apologize for not staying within topic mentioned, my humble apologizies to all involved.
I too also am terrible passenger to be driven, god forbid someone slams my beast's door above a certain decibel. Oh well she is mine and will be treated with respect unless I am the one mashing on the gas pedal, my motto is no one knows her like I do.


May 7th, 2004, 18:42
I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again - It's replaceable. I'm assuming everybody here drives with insurance. If something happens to the car, most likely, the passengers should be able to walk away from it with minor injuries (this, of course, is dependent upon speed). I love and baby my RS6, as I have with all my vehicles, but it's just a car...

...a really nice and fun car.

May 9th, 2004, 00:18
My wife has yet to drive my RS6.

She drove off more than once in my A6 4.2 sport and the grin on her face said it all. It took time but she admitted she really liked it! When her Maxima Lease is up, perhaps she'll get a new A6 4.2...

As far as the RS6 is concerned I offered several times but she declined to drive it. I have not asked again recently....LOL...she had her chance.




May 9th, 2004, 04:47
As with Ricky, my wife also uses the Beast as her daily driver while I'm at work. Don't have the money for a sports car AND a nice family car. That why I bought the RS 6. It is the BEST of both worlds. A safe all season performance BEAST that has the practicality of a errand runner for the Mrs. She takes good care of it and treats it just like I would.:rs6kiss:

May 10th, 2004, 23:19

Hey Brit!!

I am with you. I've had the Beast for 4 months, and the wife has not driven it yet. Why should she? She has a big, lethargic SUV to drive. Letting her drive the RS6 is like letting a monkey balance the checkbook. They have no idea what they are doing!

:addict: :addict:

May 11th, 2004, 07:12
Originally posted by mbrooks1956

Hey Brit!!

I am with you. I've had the Beast for 4 months, and the wife has not driven it yet. Why should she? She has a big, lethargic SUV to drive. Letting her drive the RS6 is like letting a monkey balance the checkbook. They have no idea what they are doing!

:addict: :addict:


I used to encourage my mother to drive my RS6s before I got rid of them, she is over 80, her daily runabout is a 996 Turbo. She can also balance a cheque book.
My mistress is an experienced long distance racer (and International Event rider), my grandmother drove a 'racing' Bentley from Scotland to India.
I suspect all or any of these very fine ladies could wipe the floor with you; were you writing your drivel in the 19th Century, I could understand your antidiluvian attitude, today it is not acceptable. Comparing women to monkeys is not acceptable, neither is it humerous.


May 11th, 2004, 12:19
Originally posted by mbrooks1956

Hey Brit!!

I am with you.
Ah, but are you quite with me? My post says my wife has never driven one of my cars, although she has driven company cars I've had in the past. This means I've never had to answer the question "would you?" until now.

She does intend driving the RS 6, but every time I say "how about now?" when we're out and about, she declines. I'm sure she'll have a go before I get rid of it, even if only briefly.

May 11th, 2004, 12:59
Originally posted by mbrooks1956

I am with you. I've had the Beast for 4 months, and the wife has not driven it yet. Why should she? She has a big, lethargic SUV to drive. Letting her drive the RS6 is like letting a monkey balance the checkbook. They have no idea what they are doing!

:addict: :addict:


If your wife reads your post your testicles will end up in the "Hillary Clinton Lock Box."

Don't be so fraggin Harsh to MONKEYS.

Just Kidding...


May 11th, 2004, 15:04
spouse, reluctantly.
girlfriends, sure...

May 11th, 2004, 15:38
Well I guess i could chime in here. I'm not married, but if i was i would let the wife drive, for a number of reasons. Here is the qualifier though, Only and I mean Only have having a Drivers Safety School and some track time with an instructor, it's someting you could do as a couple. Also it doesn't hurt to tune up your skills as well. 450 HP is a lot for anyone to handle properly.

:s4addict: -Bimmerhead

Dark Knight
May 11th, 2004, 20:03
My wife has driven it once and isn't particularly bothered to drive it again pretty much because I'm a raving lunatic about how doors are shut, potholes must be missed, where to park, hitting the apex . . . well, the list just goes on and on.

Another reason she doesn't want to drive this car is she's nervous after driving our Boxster into the side of the garage! She's actually an extremely good driver and kind of freaked me out when she took the manual Boxster balls-out down a country road and did a very nice job. But when she drove it into the garage at 2 mph I flipped my lid. I'm better about cars now, not perfect, just better; heck, I take the RS6 through a car wash!!!! Big step for me, BIG!


May 12th, 2004, 13:06
Dark Knight,

I hope it was a BRUSHLESS TOUCHLESS car wash....


We have a nice Touchless, Brushless, auto car wash I use here now and then, but mostly I wash it myself in the Garage, I have hot and cold taps in the garage :p
