View Full Version : What's with all the clicking?

May 1st, 2004, 05:52
I usually take the beast for a spin every now and then late at night or early in the morning. There's an ascending road I have to take to get to my house that I go all out on. :addict:

Then 1/2 a mile later I'm home and the car is in the garage. The other night I noticed the car was clicking all over the place. I felt like I was in Iraq......but without the explosions.

What's with so much clicking?

May 2nd, 2004, 02:44
Not sure if "clicking" is the way to describe this, but the RS6 does make a lot of heat. After an all-out run as you describe, maybe it's just metal making noise as it cools off & contracts.:trash:

Or maybe not. Just a guess.

May 2nd, 2004, 15:35
The sound you hear is "twinning" First, it is normal and harmless. Second, I tried to dig back 35 years in my mind to recall the exact definition -- gone. But it is something like this: When metal heats, it expands -- pulling molecules of the metal sort of end-to-end. When it cools, these contract and push on one another until forces are high enough that they twin, or snap back to their original configuration. That is the sound we hear.

Dark Knight
May 2nd, 2004, 20:35
More than likely what you're hearing are the pins (that the disc rotors "float" on) contracting. It sounds like very sharp, acute metal "ping" not too loud but absolutely noticeable. And yeah, absolutely nothing to worry about and quite normal after being on the brakes after a run! Glad to read you're taking the beast out and running it!

May 5th, 2004, 04:03
domo arigato.......mr. roboto :asian:

thanks guys........i figured it was normal but there was so damn much of it going on......i just wanted to make sure. :thumb: