View Full Version : SITREP: How are you all doing?

March 30th, 2020, 07:09
Strange times.

Sitrep - How are you all doing? How's business?

Sweden probably has some of the most relaxed laws at the moment, not sure what will be the winning strategy.

March 30th, 2020, 13:09
Russia: panic & strict(er) regulations are slowly setting in. Isolation "strictly recommended", but not enforced for now. Economy's going to hell as we speak.

March 30th, 2020, 19:18
Things are pretty quiet in Oregon, we have avoided the worst of it (so far). I'm working from home and avoiding going out as much as possible, but I took the RS6 out for a drive yesterday just to keep her loose. The roads were pretty empty :)

March 30th, 2020, 22:32
What Nubcake said is the same here in the States. Bummer is that I'm in training in Miami but I live in Washington state. 3000mi from the family. Kind of feel helpless to help them out if something goes wrong. Got 6wks to go here.

March 31st, 2020, 02:40
We seemed to have flattened the curve here in the SF Bay Area. Many of the tech companies wisely told people to start working from home way back on March 6, and the governor essentially shut down our region well before NYC and New Orleans. I am a physician and unlike my colleagues in NYC, we have very few COVID 19 patients in the hospital on the mid Peninsula. More in San Jose and San Francisco, but nothing like other cities. Social distancing works. We are holding our breath here hoping we do not see a surge but so far, none. Doing video visits with patients from home and letting my younger partners handle the few patients we have in the hospital.

I have read about Sweden's approach, better hope that you are spared or this will explode faster than you can say fika!

March 31st, 2020, 07:25
Corona virus RX. Grab keys to supercharged RS4, tell the family I’m going to self quarantine for 3hrs. Head for the mountains. S8 and RS6 feeling jealous sitting home in the garage. Sorry guys, sometimes you just need a third pedal.

Please be safe out there. Hospitals are ground zero and staff are not protected enough.


March 31st, 2020, 11:49
Maryland just got stricter with the Governor ordering a shelter in place with penalty of fines or criminal charges...only allowed to go out for essential work, food, medical....fortunately I live in a neighborhood with a yard for the dog and a 3/4 mile loop that can be safely walked legally with 6 food social distance order.

I run a family catering business with a gourmet-to-go store....catering is completely gone at this point, but my store is busier than ever...just trying to keep my crew of 15 healthy as they really want to continue to work and my customers are ever so thankful as we provide high quality fresh and prepared foods. We're doing curbside only pickup or delivery even though we could have our store open inside. Interesting how the buying trends have changed as much of my regular daily used to be $15-$25 sales, now everyone is taking home $80-$150 bags at a time. We should be able to weather the storm here with the business, but I know that there are MANY that have already closed or will most likely close permanently....I really feel bad for them as no one really expected something like this to be the end of them.

On a side note, I can use the RS6 to commute to work legally, unfortunately I live about 2 miles from work so hardly enough time or space to let it breathe a bit unless I put a couple of bags in there to deliver to my customers....:incar:

Stay safe everyone!

Did carve out a little time to add a tree mural to the roof and hood...:R8kiss:



April 1st, 2020, 05:49
Life doesn't seem so different for me; just slightly less traffic here in NJ. I work as a 3rd shift mechanic for a Laundry Corporation that services the linen for hospitals in NJ, NY, and PA. We'll continue to stay open, if we don't they won't have linen of any sort at the hospitals...

Which sucks because I want to finish my car! Haha.

April 1st, 2020, 22:46
Trying to stay safe down here in south Florida which has proven to be a hot spot for the virus, the Governor; Desantis has not ordered the entire state closed however has taken some interesting measures to prevent out of state folks esp. those from NY and LA from entering.

Personally I'm taking all necessary counter measures including wearing gloves, washing hands at twice the pace of an OCD freak and applying liberal amounts of hand sanitizer in between, business carries on as usual just rolled 134K and pulling like a freight train:addict:.

April 2nd, 2020, 15:03
Orlando, Fl swimming pool store / service department manager type here.
Designated essential business, and we are BUSY! Sales are up, and our limiting factor at the moment is not finding enough people that want to work!

Not surprisingly to me (though it might be to others) is that we are packing on weekly maintenance customers at a great rate! Given that the future is decidedly uncertain, I'm happy to have the business and the income.
I'm also glad I'm not just sitting at home, which allows for some sense of normalcy in these uncertain times.

And still smiling every time I wake the beast in the AM to go to work!

Oh, yeah, and traffic has been very very light, so plenty of opportunity for fun drives home, if it weren't for the shit show they call I-4, the most lethal highway in the USA.

But the next few weeks will be when things really start to change, so we will see how it plays out.

April 2nd, 2020, 18:58
Working from home as office is closed and everyone has been ordered to keep distance from other folks.
Went for a walk down to the garage to check on my ladies: RS6 and M5-Comp.