View Full Version : Air bag replacement ???????????????????????????

RS6 rick
April 30th, 2017, 05:00
Just noticed that the air bags are supposed to be replaced at 14yrs. Anyone have any input on this situation ?. Would hate to think what the replacement cost would be. Be safe.

May 1st, 2017, 05:35
Not planning on replacing mine. Sick to death of BS Gov regulations. 145,000 miles, not even a near miss on an accident. Plus 100k miles on other cars. If they want to mandate replacement at 14 years then they should force the car manufactures to pay for it 100%.


May 1st, 2017, 15:51
14 years is just the length of time the airbag manufacturer guarantees that the bags will still work. The actual useful life is likely much longer. They don't have a way to test the actual functionality of a bag that has been riding around in a car for 14+ years. They simulate aging as best they can and put out a conservative expiration date on them. It's similar to the expiration date on food, the actual date that the food goes bad is much longer than the date printed on the packaging, but it's a CYA for the producer.

If you want to be 100% safe replace the bags, or better yet buy a new car with 15 year newer safety technology, but chances are extremely good that the airbags in old cars will work exactly as designed for many years past the expiration date.

May 1st, 2017, 16:13
It's more of a CYA from Audi, not a regulation. For example, Mercedes said any of their airbags made after 1992 are good for the life of the vehicle.

May 2nd, 2017, 03:51
Not planning on replacing mine. Sick to death of BS Gov regulations. 145,000 miles, not even a near miss on an accident. Plus 100k miles on other cars. If they want to mandate replacement at 14 years then they should force the car manufactures to pay for it 100%.


I agree 100% on that. As the other members above also mentioned, it is from Audi but the life of the airbags are much greater, it is something set by the manufacturers to take liability away from them, nothing else in my opinion. With that said, there is no way i will replace mine on my car, it is up to you if you want to go thru that.

May 9th, 2017, 02:43
The airbag in my old Mercedes expired before your car was even built. I'm not sweating it.