View Full Version : TC Replacement

January 22nd, 2015, 03:56
Car is in the shop, again. Fighting with the warranty company for a TC and or Transmission replacement.

What TC are you guys using now a days? I can't find the ACE one anywhere, but I did find one from searching other threads but I'm spacing the name.
Appreciate it <3

January 22nd, 2015, 05:01
Andre...was Ace, http://www.edgeracingconverters.com/


Pages 4 and 5 of forum threads:) I remembered there were some discussions.

January 22nd, 2015, 05:08
I'll give him a call since nothing Audi is listed. Thanks LS for the link

January 22nd, 2015, 05:22
Yea, Andre and Tozo do top notch work.

January 22nd, 2015, 12:23
Doing one without the other is only partially resetting the clock. A bad TC will kill your transmission. (if you have your original TC, it IS bad). If you replace only your transmission, your old TC will kill your next new transmission. If you only replace the TC, you will still have a short lived transmission.

January 22nd, 2015, 13:05
Doing one without the other is only partially resetting the clock. A bad TC will kill your transmission. (if you have your original TC, it IS bad). If you replace only your transmission, your old TC will kill your next new transmission. If you only replace the TC, you will still have a short lived transmission.

I would agree 90% of the time. If by chance the trans is newer/lower in miles, AND the TC problem was discovered early, then the trans could still last a few years. It's a big gamble though, the price of labor to go back in is almost as much as a rebuilt trans. Bite the bullet and do it now as mentioned, well worth it.

I assume you're getting codes or what is the exact problem? What company are you fighting, if it's truly broke there should be no issue.

ttboost, you going to the Cadillac side? The new CTS-V looks impressive, still mixed on the interior myself.

January 22nd, 2015, 13:17
Yeah, on 2 caddy forums. I grabbed an 09 V. Thunder Gray with black Recaros...loving it...more power stock, than I could ever get out of the RS6...and I'm just starting to mod...don't really care about AWD...have 3 other AWD vehicles...Definitely not an Audi, but bang for the buck...it's a home run...and the interior isn't actually bad...

January 22nd, 2015, 13:29
It's early in the symptom stages, no codes. and we are just trying to get them to send an adjuster without dropping the transmission first. The shop is confident in duplicating failure without having to take anything out, the company was just giving a little run around. Rightfully so though, it's not a cheap job.

January 22nd, 2015, 13:30
Love the CTS-V ::Drool::

January 22nd, 2015, 15:57
I had eyes on the gen3 at Ba. ett Jackson last week. If they improve the looks of the wagon....I could be inclined to drive one.

That said, used prices on e63 wagons are also coming down. Hmmm

Great....there is no v wagon wtf

Yeah, on 2 caddy forums. I grabbed an 09 V. Thunder Gray with black Recaros...loving it...more power stock, than I could ever get out of the RS6...and I'm just starting to mod...don't really care about AWD...have 3 other AWD vehicles...Definitely not an Audi, but bang for the buck...it's a home run...and the interior isn't actually bad...

January 22nd, 2015, 17:34
I just got off the phone with Andre. What a pleasure!

January 24th, 2015, 01:57
him ^ made an astonishing difference in mine

January 24th, 2015, 04:21
him ^ made an astonishing difference in mine

Glad to hear you're back in business, sure is nice having a well functioning TC eh?

January 24th, 2015, 16:02
Not really back in business. Now being visited by electrical gremlins, new battery, new voltage regulator, soon to be new starter. Face off shortly at the indy. Rebuilding it piece by piece.

January 24th, 2015, 19:44
Well pretty soon you'll have a brand new car...

January 25th, 2015, 17:50
I'll be putting an upgraded 2800 rpm stall converter in my RS6 soon.

January 25th, 2015, 18:21
I'll be putting an upgraded 2800 rpm stall converter in my RS6 soon.

Isn't that going to make everyday driving extremely laggy? Our TCs don't ever lock until cruising anyhow, they are in regulating mode; although the article below says lock I assume we can interpret that as regulating? What is our stock stall speed by the way? Article link below is better, just seems all you're doing is helping to build torque before launching?


The most misunderstood aspect of torque converters is stall speed. Many people think if a converter is rated at 2,500 rpm, their car will rev up to that rpm and then take off. That's not how it works. Stall speed is a function of engine rpm. The more torque an engine makes, the higher the rpm the converter will stall, or lock up at, and transfer that torque to the transmission.

January 25th, 2015, 19:38
Stall speed and torque converter lockup are two totally different things. A traditional torque converter does not lock up. Converters only with a lockup clutch "Lock Up" and this function is only present to reduce converter efficiency losses at low throttle and cruise.

Prior to the 80's converters didn't have a lockup clutch and there was always a little "Slip" regardless of engine/road speed. These converters never "Locked up".

Increasing the stall speed on a converter allows a turbo engine to build more boost and thus produce more torque at the stall RPM, and this does not happen at zero wheel the benefit is shown at all speeds.

The rule of thumb is one wants the stall speed of the converter to be at the torque peak.

Stock stall speed for most Gas audi's is 2200-2300 rpm. Diesel engines are about 1900 rpm.

That link you mentioned has some interesting info but some is also incorrect.

January 25th, 2015, 20:42
Excellent, thanks for the details. Seems it could still add a bit of lag/pause on the lower rpm side, under 2,800, as we do get good torque down there, but certainly more torque as the RPM's climb. I was peaking torque around 4,500 rpms on a dyno.