View Full Version : FOR everyone getting their stuff shipped through me! *DATES*!!

November 20th, 2014, 17:55
Okay, I have my final appearing on the 9th of December. This means I will receive my disability rating on the spot, then they have a maximum of 10 days to give me a LOR (letter of release) and once you receive that, then you have 90 days left in the military. SO to the point. These are the date ranges that are possible for your stuff being in the states (taking into account my terminal leave with that 90 days)

I will be back in the states January 15th +/- 5 days My household items (your stuff included) will be there around the end of the month, by the latest, since I will be shipping them before I even leave. If you plan on moving stuff with me, then please get ahold of me and serious people only. I will give you my military address and have it to me at least a week before transportation comes to pick up my stuff. For you people having seats shipped through me...you owe me a car wash...by hand...and a wax...I just realized how much room this stuff is going to take up for a week lol. I'll have to make a pathway to get in and out of my room. Thanks for your patients and I can't wait to be back stateside with all my other RS6 fans!