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September 9th, 2014, 02:26
Although I am not looking forward to the winter that is outside, I surely do enjoy the additional performance that comes with+3C weather... Made the 6.4l SRT8 look like it was standing still even with a definite head start...

September 9th, 2014, 02:55
Have never once been beaten by an SRT8 or SRT10. :)

The winter sucks indeed. And for all those wondering what the hell we're talking about, it was with a nasty cold front moving through western Alberta today that we finished a swell 3.5 months without snow falling in Calgary.... Yup. Just a hair over one season - and it wasn't the summer season...



September 9th, 2014, 04:37
Here come Al and Berta to AZ

September 9th, 2014, 05:31
Nice work...I'm liking this Texas stuff, should be below 90 next month, cheapest gas and best roads in the world? Too many Vipers and ZR1's around though, not messing with them until it's 75 out.

September 9th, 2014, 05:37
Same on the SRT's - just forget how much better life is with these temps...