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View Full Version : Opportunity for cool and strategic racing apparel investment

Mr. Fru-T Pants
January 21st, 2004, 18:37

Alright, I know some of you guys out there have worn or wear these killah driving shoes, or are at least familiar with the name. They make great "around-towners" and garage buddies, as well as being a fantastic driver's shoe, and come in a variety of styles, with or without Nomex. I got turned on to them a couple of years ago, and they've for the most part been a mainstay in my household ever since. The problem is, that once you wear them in the car, everything else seems bulky and maladroit. If you've worn them, you know. If you haven't heard of them, you will, as Piloti and owner Kevin Beard are ramping up the next phase of the branding/marketing strategy, with heavy emphasis on increased advertising and distribution for an already established name. Nordstrom's is on board, and within the foreseeable future, the shoes should be available at your local "Foot Locker", and around the world for that matter.

Now to the point-

Piloti is issuing a small private placement for a select group of investors, to help capitalize this next phase of company development. I figured (as a favor to Kevin),I would pass along the info to you guys, as I know some of you are pretty savvy investors, and might have the capital to help fund the first stages fo the project. It's really an interesting, fun, and potentially very rewarding financial play, with a company that is well-structured and poised for niche apparel greatness. Front-end investors will, in all likelihood(the details aren't solidified yet), receive "perks" to guard against future position dilution if a big player enters the fray. Feel free to email me for more info, and I can put you in touch with the capital mgmt partner that is spearheading the raise.

And if this doesn't interest you, try a pair of Piloti's(I like the Monaco's, but that's me).


Peace out,

January 22nd, 2004, 16:26
Hey fruit,

Thanks for the headsup.

I've never heard of this company before, got some kind of link to a website of theirs?


Mr. Fru-T Pants
January 23rd, 2004, 00:14
No problem. Interested/curious? Great shoes. Good company.


Check it.


January 23rd, 2004, 18:54
For Massachusetts, you can purchase these shoes at Ferrari dealership in West Newton. Really easy to get to from Mass Pike.