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View Full Version : Shift pressure, Drive vs Tip

March 20th, 2013, 03:25
So, I believe that the shifts are softer when in D as opposed to S or Tip mode manual, am I correct?

Got about 1k on the new trans and feels great, just looking to perfect shifting/minimize wear. I've been driving in tip mostly, which has the crisper shift, but since it's up to me to shift I don't always hit the optimal shift point. So...even though D has a softer/slower shift, allowing more slip in the clutch pack and possibly more wear, it feels like most of the time the shifts are cleaner since the ecu knows when to shift. The other side of that argument is the softer shift at any time allows for more slip/wear of the clutch pack.

Thoughts from any ocd shifters out there? The new Tozo trans feels perfect, clutches were a bit grabby the first few hundred miles, just perfection at this point. I still wince a bit when hitting the shift hard under full throttle as I know my extra hp and tq are hammering on the trans.

Also, higher rpm's=less tq according to my dyno sheets, falls off at 4.5k. So even though the clutches are spinning more is there less impact on them shifting at say 5k opposed to 3.5k?:revs:

March 20th, 2013, 17:11
I find my self driving in tip mode most of the time, shift when i want and not let the tcu do the job, when in d mode it does slip for softer shifts. I keep the Rpm high, and whenever i want to go full throttle, i put my self in proper rpm range usually above 4k rpms, because i hate when in s or d mode you get the gear dropped for you upon wot, i feel like that causing a lot of stress on tc and tranny. I agree with a lot you said above. Its the same on manual car, when you in high gear low rpm and you apply full throttle you put a lot more stress on the clutch vs when you at lower gear high rpm.

March 20th, 2013, 17:39
Lower gear + Higher RPM = FUN!!!!!