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View Full Version : Cornering in the RS6

October 27th, 2003, 11:09
In my C4S, I stab the brake just before the corner and then power through the turn. What do you find is the best way to corner hard in the RS6? Brake? downshift? hard on the power in the turn? How would you handle a sequence of twisty corners, (considering the limitations of our 4200 lb, 59/41 weight distribution)?

October 27th, 2003, 11:34
My thought/action pattern going into a turn is:

1. Choose a line
2. Get the car on the line while still going straight
3. Threshold brake (brake late enough that I have to brake to the exact moment i turn the wheel). While I am doing this, i downshift to the gear i want to be coming out of the turn in
4. Turn in
5. Power on once I apex, and track out of the corner

I'm sure you know, but never brake in the corners :)

As far as multiple twisties, It is all about finding a line- You may have to sacrifice some speed through one to carry it through another.


October 27th, 2003, 14:09
Depends on the corner, anything that can be taken in 4th or 5th, just set the entry speed up right and apply a little power into the turn, to enable quattro to have something to distribute, then apply more power progressively from the apex as I turn back out, to avoid kicking ESP in and losing power (I'm not brave enough to drive without ESP except in the very best of conditions!).

Where I need 3rd or even 2nd to take a corner, I'll usually engine brake down through 4th and 3rd if nexessary, and downshift into the final gear 1/2 a second before turning in, and again I'll apply enough power to hold speed up to the apex, then smoothly apply extra power on the turn-out to straight.

Of course, it's all about finding what's right for the roads you drive and your own style.