View Full Version : Am I worthy/ready to jump on the carzy train?

February 12th, 2012, 21:00
Just drove my first drug oh I mean first RS6 and I'm very impressed.
I did co-lead a few RS6 drives in my 02 S6 and my 04 X5, but I had no real idea of what these beast really were capable of since I never asked to drive one back then.

All I can say now is I want more. I love the cold dense air we have today ~31 deg F, but was itching for some sticky summer tires to really push the DRC. Maybe I'll get that chance when she is mine.

I was very in tune back in 2003/04, but have lost track and wanted to ask for some input.
We all know the costs of repairs.
Are there any extended warranties available these days that are worth it?

February 12th, 2012, 21:15
We're not worthy!


There are a few warranty co's out there. It seems more and more Indy shops are getting better with the car though. It's worth it.

February 12th, 2012, 21:51
Sorry for the wrong title! I think you all know that I meant to write CRAZY train

aussie rs6
February 13th, 2012, 09:10
You dont have to be crazy to buy a RS6, but it sure helps!

Being a masochist also helps when the bills come in!

Crazy and loving every moment of it with a C5 RS6 and a C6 RS6.

Reminds me of the old joke about the masochist married to the sadist.

The wife, a masochist, says to the husband: "Beat me!!"

The husband, a sadist replies "No"!