View Full Version : Interior door cards- door pull removal?

February 9th, 2012, 11:39
I have had enough of looking at the peeling rubber coatings on my doors!

I know the window switch plates can be easily popped out, but what about the hard plastic portion of the door pull? Has anybody managed to pop these out and re-install back to normal?

Would have loved that Recaro package that was on ebay!


February 9th, 2012, 16:51
Peel it all off or you have to purchase new ones...

The prior owner of my car replaced his under warranty FOUR times...

February 9th, 2012, 19:10
Yeah, I started peeling most off. Not the easiest thing to do if it hasn't started.

I ask if they can be pulled because I am debating wrapping them with some di-noc...in-situ wrap may be too difficult.