View Full Version : Gutted downpipes on a RS6 C5

January 30th, 2012, 14:58
Hi guys,
i've a question. My engine is currently out, the Torque Converter died, so it will be replaced, and the transmission will be taken apart for some new bits and pieces ;)
So, since the engine is out, i want to empty the downpipes.... but how is it affecting the Lambda in the downpipe? Will gutting it make the car run leaner? Or what to expect... do i need a ECU upgrade if i empty the downpipes?

Here's a pic with the engine out
http://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/425186_330413030323309_157982050899742_1050756_159 5304876_n.jpg

January 30th, 2012, 18:04
The engine will not run leaner with the Dowpipes gutted. It will sound slightly better and you will probably get Secondary O2 sensor faults. I have both Cats removed and I only seem to get bank 1 fault. You might be able to use 42DD or 034 O2 spacers but it is best to go with a custom tune and code them out.