View Full Version : For those photographers out there...Anyone interested in a RS6 calendar?

October 4th, 2003, 19:21

Anyone interested in a calendar with member's RS6s being featured in them...Just an idea. :confused:


October 4th, 2003, 23:42
The good news is, I probably have a few good pix of my blue beast from a 6500 mile trip -- Michigan to California & back. Plus maybe one or two from a local drag strip, tho none of those show the beast racing; just waiting.

The bad news is, I'm no computer wiz, so I hope the process is easy!

BTW -- are you thinking about an on line calendar, or something printed for mailing?

October 5th, 2003, 00:15
Sounds like a very interesting idea Klint. :)
I could pull something like that off - I have a very good friend of mine that's working as a photographer ( http://www.fotinosprojects.com ) how could help with some photographs.
Also I have very good contacts with a printer through my work from whom I could get a reasonable price for the printing of the calender.
I will talk to Erik about It tomorrow.

Problem is the shipping of the calender, as with every other merchandise product. But that should'nt be to hard to solv, should it? :)


October 5th, 2003, 04:45
Yes I'm interested. And I just gave Erik a couple dozen pictures some of which might be useful for such a project.

October 5th, 2003, 05:17
Great idea, Clint. I am sure a lot of us will have some worthy contributions to the calendar.


October 5th, 2003, 12:55
put any scantily clad women in there, that would be...ahh...horrible...I don't know how that thought even crossed my mind...so cliche...bad, ICON, bad... boy I sure hope I haven't planted a seed... that would be...ummm...awful.

October 6th, 2003, 01:29
Originally posted by iconcls
put any scantily clad women in there, that would be...ahh...horrible...I don't know how that thought even crossed my mind...so cliche...bad, ICON, bad... boy I sure hope I haven't planted a seed... that would be...ummm...awful.

I agree. No scantily clad women.

They should be in the buff. :0:

I also wouldn't mind an "international" theme of different ladies from different countries. We must have at least 12 countries represented here. Whaddaya say? Guys, find a woman in your country who is willing to "show" some national pride! It would be a cultural calendar, you know? Then I would have a better understanding of where people are coming from and what I am missing by not living there.


October 6th, 2003, 08:18
If you pay, we could have Miss Sweden in the traditional swedish outfit (no, that's not a swimsuit ;) )

October 6th, 2003, 14:25
Originally posted by Erik
If you pay, we could have Miss Sweden in the traditional swedish outfit (no, that's not a swimsuit ;) )

:360: I like that idea too! :0:

October 6th, 2003, 14:37
I can arrange decent photo of Daytonagrau AVANT with cute lady from Poland.

It is getting cold here now so we better hurry up :)

October 7th, 2003, 03:38
Originally posted by TaTaPiRaTa
I can arrange decent photo of Daytonagrau AVANT with cute lady from Poland.

It is getting cold here now so we better hurry up :)

Cold would be better! ;)